《Adieu Monsieur Haffmann》Daniel Auteuil, Gilles Lellouche
導演 : Fred Cavayé主演 : Daniel Auteuil, Gilles Lellouche, Sara Giraudeau, Nikolai Kinski, Anne Coesens, Mathilde Bisson
法國上映日期: 2022年01月12日
Paris 1941. François Mercier is an ordinary man whose only goal is to start a family with Blanche, the woman he loves.François works for Mr. Haffmann, a talented Jewish jeweler.
Under the German occupation, the employer and employee are forced to strike a deal which, over the following months, will upend the fate of our three protagonists.
https://scontent.fhkg3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/271443699_10227120318769562_6895705909033504461_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=l9nPHQekylAAX-EolfF&tn=aEcg5pgMvC_LKlLP&_nc_ht=scontent.fhkg3-1.fna&oh=00_AT_VUg5uvnb7gKva-S1WTwKzrRxm-Vm2291XmYw7ODRpig&oe=61E34D5F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNjoldCTXOk