AntonioII 發表於 2010-3-25 19:57

回復 1# avbadboy

Because OPPO BD player from US, one power cord is US version, another is Chinese(mainland) version, you can buy a adapter, the adapter is very Cheap, you can buy in any supermarket

avbadboy 發表於 2010-3-26 09:32


Because OPPO BD player from US, one power cord is US version, another is Chinese(ma ...
AntonioII 發表於 2010-3-25 19:57

    Understand, thanks c-hing.

    Actually I can't differentiate which one is US and which is China. Can't wait and so went to buy a power cord yesterday night. Nano 302 was out of stock, 305 was too expensive and only one ready made 301 was available. S0 just bought the 301 and went home.

x-bird 發表於 2010-3-26 14:27

My OPPO-83SE come with 2 two-legs power cords, one is thin and one is thick.
I only keep the thick one but still thinking is it worth to DIY to UK socket and use for any device. Any suggestion?

avbadboy 發表於 2010-3-26 18:44

I think 83SE deserves a better power cable than the original one, which actually does not comply with HK standard. I bought Nanotec 301 for my 83 at about 1k but have not yet tested it. Will see whether it is good for 83.

kelvines 發表於 2010-5-5 17:01

回復 16# avbadboy
rich man, one power code 1KHKD{:1_326:}

avbadboy 發表於 2010-5-5 19:08

power cord of 1k is not really too much. Many c-hings use power cords of several or over 10k, especially for amp or cdp.I am still far away to be called rich man, haha...

KING 發表於 2010-5-5 19:25

Cannot test the player with the original power cord, so bad!

I am thinking to buy the Nanotec 302 o ...
avbadboy 發表於 2010-3-25 12:17


avbadboy 發表於 2010-5-5 19:32

305 cost 2k+, about half the price of oppo 83. Seems not justifiable wo!Is it a lot of difference with 302?

googleli 發表於 2010-5-5 19:40

hkp1196 發表於 2010-5-5 19:34


hkbomberman 發表於 2010-5-5 20:05

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