day2013 發表於 2021-12-17 04:35

《All my Puny Sorrows》Alison Pill, Sarah Gadon

導演 : Michael McGowan

主演 : Alison Pill, Sarah Gadon, Amybeth McNulty, Donal Logue, Marin Almasi, Boyd Banks, Gabrielle Jennings

加拿大上映日期: 2022年

    Based on the international best-selling novel by Miriam Toews, Yoli (Alison Pill)is a frustrated mother and struggling novelist who's grown up in the shadow of her big sister, Elf (Sarah Gadon), a brilliant concert pianist. After Elf attempts suicide, Yoli returns to their hometown near Winnipeg to help her recover, though Elf insists she is absolutely determined to die.


day2013 發表於 2021-12-17 04:38
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