I am too cheap and don't wanna spend $ on AET. By the way, although those are clone of Oyaide from China, the quality is quite up to satisfaction. 回復 11# tofu1978
tofu ching,
there is cheap or not cheap.... as long as you are satisfied with the performance, then ... that is what you need.
Happy listening. {:6_210:}{:6_210:}{:6_210:} 回復 13# tofu1978
Visually it is brighter and more saturated. 今晚試左南京!南京!,e,點解d聲會{:6_200:} 南京南京,換左美牆插之後既感覺同買MTS-6一樣
tailulu兄,下次黎玩過,大把機會 回復 15# tofu1978
D聲點呀?{:6_128:} 清晰左,力量好似大左,速度比之前快,但唔覺得薄聲,屬次感有進步,分離度好左