rictsang 發表於 2010-3-25 12:04

Can Ching share how to set it up ? I am using it and not feeling its power.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-25 12:10

So awu CHing - you bought Energy ESW-M8 $4030 at MK 7/F 2 months ago?
And Rictsang CHing you bought Mirage MM8 $4400 at CWB Original Sound?

still have the price difference between these 2 brands (Mirage vs Energy)?

Again - any major "After-sale" service difference between 2 brands as 2 different companies carry them?

msiu100 發表於 2010-3-25 13:14

If same design and spc. I will buy Energy.

rictsang 發表於 2010-3-25 13:45

Sorry I bought energy not mirage at $4400. So MK 7/F offer a better price.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-25 14:31

just stop by original sound at central.tried both Energy ESW-M8 and Velodyne CHT-8Q.seems like very different sounds and 8Q can deliver lower frequency (seems to me).Just wonder all CHing when you buy M8 (or MM8) before, did you consider / compare them (as the price is very close).

I want to hear from you why you chose M8 (MM8) at last?

randyma 發表於 2010-3-25 16:46

回復 26# KMD7D

    I have own them before. CH8Q can deliver more deep bass than M8. But M8 have bigger powder than 8Q. If you listen area is around 100 sq ft. CH8Q is your choice.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-25 17:10

thanks a lot randyme CHing.I have the rectangle living roon + dinning room.I guess the size is 20ft x 9 ft = 180sq ft.of course, only for the living room (which all I AV center) it is only 90sq ft.

you have both before and you really can compare their characteristic.when I listen to them this afternoon, I am totally agree on you

CHT-8Q seems to me has lower / deeper bass.
But I cannot find the M8 deliver higher power (maybe the setting from the shop I went).

At first, I went there want to buy the M8 but I am confuse now.In short - some people said fast response is the good thing and only happen to expensive subwoofer.Does it apply to M8 (as it seems to me the response is fast).

I used to be own the CHT-8R before but it broke in 1 year and 3 months!then Radar quote to me $2100 to fix (I gave up the device at last).therefore I am a bit concerns about this brand.

However - only by the experience of this lunch time, it seems like CHT-8Q is good.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-25 17:13

I like the look and size of M8.but the sound seems to be better form CHT-8Q.is it possible the M8 can be better if it runs for longer (after a few months to break in)?   

Really based on your experience - M8 has higher power?Can it to compare with Sunfire charactistic?

randyma 發表於 2010-3-25 18:03

I like the look and size of M8.but the sound seems to be better form CHT-8Q.is it possible the M ...
KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-25 17:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Sunfire is better than m8. Sunfire is a higher grade than M8 and 8Q. You can compare the spec for them especially on the bass performance. Now I am use Sunfire. It is much better than 8Q and M8. I satisfy on Sunfire HR series.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-25 21:18

回復 30# randyma

    Then, you bought the HRS-8 or HRS-10?I found some CHing mentioned that the HRS-8 sound level is not high enough.Anyway - how much for HRS?much more expensive or just a few hundreds or $1.Xk more?
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