Northwire - triple run
琴日入咗條Northwire Triple Run俾隻十仔用.放工返嚟,又未咁快開conference call, 有少少時間就開transformer2呢試吓條線....
{:6_121:} 真係唔同咗, 個十仔d底頻控制好咗! 不過時間唔夠, 要熄機開會...{:6_153:} 無辦法, 遲d再試真d... 之前玩過 Northwire doube run 已經發覺有力左,無條原裝跟機線唔弱雞同鬆散 ... 相信如果換你條triple run 更加勁揪! 試下用電熱水煲run-in 佢一兩個星期,先至比較,你會發現變化更大。 條Northwire Triple Run,how much ?ching! 試下用電熱水煲run-in 佢一兩個星期,先至比較,你會發現變化更大。
moliu 發表於 2010-3-23 22:11
{:6_121:} 用電熱水煲run-in...點解呀?{:6_141:} 咁唔係只有團購先可以買到northwire?請問邊度入手? It is worth to pay money for this triple run northwire. It prove that I am right to recommend this PC to you.{:1_335:} I'm using double run on AV amp too, it's really not bad at this price range. {:6_193:} 請問如何能買到!?{:1_258:} 用埋美式仲正..............
hkp1196 發表於 2010-3-23 22:43