tleonard 發表於 2021-10-21 15:55

Qualcomm aptX Lossless 需要乜嘢 hardware 呢?

aptX Lossless:藍牙終於支援 CD 無損音質傳送?還有 Hi-Res 自動切換

高通全新aptX Lossless格式無線耳機可播放無損音質

無線耳機無損新境界! Qualcomm aptX Lossless 藍牙傳輸 CD 質素無損音樂

基本上嚟講 Qualcomm 粒 SoC 需要支援 Snapdragon Sound 先至有得傾,所以無論如何都一定要有 FastConnect 6900: hardware side of the Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound platform comes together as a triple branched implementation. For smartphones and mobile devices, this will have the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 mobile platform along with the Qualcomm FastConnect 6900 System, Qualcomm Aqstic Audio Codec and the Qualcomm Aqstic Smart Speaker Amp. For headphones and wireless earbuds, the platform brings along the Qualcomm QCC515x Bluetooth Audio SoC, the Qualcomm QCC514x Bluetooth Audio SoC and the Qualcomm QCC3056 Bluetooth Audio SoC.FastConnect 6900 就選擇唔多,Android 暫時只有 Snapdragon 780G/865 Plus/888/888 Plus 四款 SoC 咁大把: Qualcomm® FastConnect™ 6900 Mobile Connectivity System enables blazing, low-latency Wi-Fi 6 and integrated dual-antenna Bluetooth 5.2. Connect at up to 3.6 Gbps and enjoy increased capacity via 4-stream DBS with 6 GHz capabilities. up for a new class of Wi-Fi 6 performance with the new FastConnect 6900 System, featuring 6 GHz operation (with Wi-Fi 6E), 4-stream Dual Band Simultaneous (DBS) and more. 6900 delivers leading Wi-Fi 6 with unprecedented speeds up to 3.6 Gbps, as well as new 6 GHz capacity with Wi-Fi 6E. FastConnect 6900 Mobile Connectivity System offers multi-gigabit Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E speeds plus advanced multi-user traffic management features for reliable entertainment even in crowded areas.假如 Windows 11 都支援 aptX Lossless 嘅話就或者有機會用 Notebook 都唔定:"Acer’s new gaming notebooks that feature FastConnect 6900 connectivity will provide ethernet-grade Wi-Fi," said James Lin, General Manager, Notebooks, IT Products Business, Acer Inc.DAPs 去到盡都係得 Snapdragon 660,總之就無得玩 Snapdragon Sound。

TWS 方面都係得四款 SoC:


不過都係有必要等到官方 confirm 咗 aptX Lossless 嘅功能先至好去馬,例如 QCC5141 嘅 FiiO UTWS5 就未知掂唔掂: adaptive lossless now can not support
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