唔知做咩~~~部死人腦~~有時冇啦啦~~boot機時會搵唔到個hdd~~~但將條 sata 線 換一換底板個位又會開到機喎~~
有冇ching 知咩事呢?
我有個 fd 就話多數都係底板 南橋晶片 有問題~~
如果我想換板 (我e+用梗 gigabyte ga-8i865gme) 唔知仲會唔會岩用既板買呢?
請各ching 指點下~{:6_162:} 多數都係底板問題 I have similar experience before.
If you have tried to use a new SATA cable, try to plug it to another SATA port too.
No need to replace MB if it goes fine.
If the same keeps happening, your MB seems too old and becomes unstable. 明白~~試証先~~thx!! 我都試過類似情況... 轉左插第二個SATA頭就正常返... {:6_237:}