發表於 2010-3-21 21:59
正...有冇試下部int amp用冇水線power cord ar?
micma 發表於 2010-3-21 21:31
無試, 不過相信可以解決, 但就算得我都唔會飛水線, 安全第一 :P
發表於 2010-3-21 22:03
發表於 2010-3-21 23:14
部int amp warm up完, 就會到唔同晒
返唔到轉頭, 唔會聽返av amp
發表於 2010-3-22 00:50
無拿拿洗左錢, 食樹皮.....
kennethtcp 發表於 2010-3-21 17:17
kenneth 兄 , 恭喜晒 !
係咪應該買埋 onix cd player 呢!
最多食樹根 !
發表於 2010-3-22 01:02
本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2010-3-22 01:03 編輯
Hi Kenneth 兄, I am also Kenneth.
First of all, congratulations! Second, I also encounter the same hum sound problem as you before. I do one thing, then it is totally eliminated. That is to cut the ground from the 天線插 on the TV receiving side.
Assume you are using iDTV:
Wall (天線插 A) -> 天線 -> (天線插 B) TV
What I mean is to cut the ground cable inside "天線插 B". Just leave the core wire and separate the shielding wires with the 天線插.
The reason of such hum sound is the "ground loop" -
發表於 2010-3-22 09:58
Hi Kenneth 兄, I am also Kenneth.
First of all, congratulations! Second, I also encounter the same h ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2010-3-22 01:02
多謝師兄指教呀, 我都試左你咁 cut, 但睇唔到電視, signal 太弱, 反而係牆果邊 cut ground 就仲收到, e+ 都係牆果邊 cut 左, 無左九成 hum, 係皇帝位已經聽唔到 hum 啦, 不過試過兩次睇高清台起格 XD
發表於 2010-3-22 10:05
In my case, I have no signal degrade. I used to have a signal splitter wall socket that outputs TV and FM, but I removed it and connects the signal cable from wall directly to my TV. The signal before (with splitter and grounding connected) was about 40%, and there was lag occasionally when I watch Jade HD. However, after removing the splitter and grounding, there is no hum sound and the signal goes up to 70-80%.
I think in my case, the improvement is due to removal of the signal splitter. I don't know how is your settings. You'd better tell us more about your cable topology and hope other c-hings could help.
發表於 2010-3-22 10:07
無拿拿洗左錢, 食樹皮.....
kennethtcp 發表於 2010-3-21 17:17
kenneth 兄 , 恭喜晒 !
係咪應該 ...
KUNGKUNG 發表於 2010-3-22 00:50
以前試過 ONIX 最平既隻 CD 機, 好似 3 千頭, 但比我部 pioneer ko 左, 不過兩部機講緊差一倍價錢 XD
唔換啦唔換啦, 再換真係食樹根都唔掂, 我買完番去好驚被老婆話, 好彩佢都正面, 同佢聽左一陣, 佢同我講左一句"無論點都係有 improvement 既"... 以佢既語氣, 即係佢覺得無 improvement, 只係安慰我... 老實講, 我都覺得個 improvement 唔係真係話好明顯, 係有, 但未到一開聲即時聽到...
之後試隻佢買既碟, 播左十秒佢就話, "呢隻真係好左啦" XDD 好彩好彩
發表於 2010-3-22 11:01
以前試過 ONIX 最平既隻 CD 機, 好似 3 千頭, 但比我部 pioneer ko 左, 不過兩部機講緊差一倍價錢 XD
唔 ...
kennethtcp 發表於 2010-3-22 10:07要記住........你部機仲係新機......聽多一百幾拾個鐘之後你就會發現stereo amp同 av amp分別{:1_259:}........如果都仲係唔覺得有咩分別ga時候........恭喜哂..........你將會慳返好多錢{:1_259:}
發表於 2010-3-22 12:08
我都係甘唸,結果買左Denon AvcA1HD
早知買部平小小既Avamp,Stereo amp先訓身
最終得 ...
guetta 發表於 2010-3-21 19:39