頂佢..... 50v10h 播24p 好鬼順.... d 人動作好 ...
大玩偶 發表於 2010-3-21 11:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
算把啦....50吋點靓都做唔到100吋嘅cinema feel...你屋企有空間呀...一於向投投進發{:6_144:} 110"吋, 好想感受同試毒{:6_243:}, 唔知可唔可以呢....{:6_143:} 其實屋主個幕係120" 4:3....所以大約等於16:9 的110"<-----我估 壞人兄部350最多贏我部HD-1一條花園街, 但係加埋隻110吋'屎吊活', 就贏成條彌敦道.......... ...
hkp1196 發表於 2010-3-21 11:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-3-21 18:58 編輯he told us to set up his woofer together before we came ..........{:1_336:}
the first few movie was not that suprise but not bad any way , its seems a little thin sound form dali . its like dali can't handle enough bass between woofer and front speaker then we make a little change .{:1_345:}
we only did 3 things ....woofer change direction n +2db ,center -1 db , crossover 80 to 100 {:1_264:}
then we try "jason boune " one more time ....."HOLY SHXT" ! jason 's punch was thick and strong , the gun shot was being thicker and stronger as well .....and the machine GUN was really CRAZY like i m inside the stairs ! and of course the birds was "full" right up the sky as well !!! the sound really suprised me !!! {:6_193:}
its time to leave , but he ask if we can try one more movie (we are late already), then we put a "namking namking" inside ......the soilder step on the stone , the quality was amazing ,exactly the stone quality ......the gun short direction was very clear , its like i visited tom lee last week but with better dynamic and quality .....this is 20 x 15 feet's power !!!{:6_239:}
i would say this is the best onkyo system i've ever heard so far .....have the best surround , the best dynamic ,and the best sound quality as well ,especailly never have any "mum" sound from onkyo{:1_335:}
the woofer was not very special but its good enough for surrounding the whole room, dali with proceed would be another perfect match since dali high notes will be "bill" without it , he played "namking namking" can have the same performance stage as yamaha show room.....its like i m in the middle of the war {:6_236:}
congrats !{:6_238:} 我何時才有
110"吋投影機-_='。。。 算把啦....50吋點靓都做唔到100吋嘅cinema feel...你屋企有空間呀...一於向投投進發 ...
micma 發表於 2010-3-21 11:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
可惜無多餘既錢呢 {:6_180:} 小弟好有興趣學習佢隻中置,吊响上面{:1_326:} timmy 哥,
ryanenen 發表於 2010-3-21 18:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ryanenen,幾時......可否預我{:6_126:} ,等我學吓嘢吖{:6_122:}