陳永仁 發表於 2021-8-19 20:45


本帖最後由 陳永仁 於 2024-12-25 04:20 編輯

Just watched it. Gotta say this is the best Hong Kong action thriller I have watched in years and one of my favourite Benny Chan movies.

To be frank, I did hesitate a bit in choosing between RAGING FIRE and REMINISCENCE. Considering that RAGING FIRE is Benny Chan’s final directorial masterpiece I could ever get to relish in cinema, I promptly cast aside the Hollywood movie.

This movie is downright exhilarating and worth a watch. Very much every cast member, especially Donnie Yen and Nicholas Tse, did a marvelous job and delivered stunning actings. The fight scenes and gunfighting scenes are breathtakingly presented. The story is at least coherent and the character developments are well written. There's hardly anything I have to complain about the movie, apart from a few scenes where the voices of 郭政鴻 and 陳家樂 got dubbed by someone whose voice sounds nothing like theirs, which I found rather slightly annoying since how familiar I am with their voices.

To sum up, RAGING FIRE is a movie full of love and passion. If you are a fan of Benny Chan, you should probably watch this movie as quickly as you can, or you might not have a chance to watch it in cinema two months later. I give it a 8/10.

Benny Chan, thank you so much for illuminating the Hong Kong film industry and giving us Hong kongers something to hope for. There is a special place for you in heaven, may you rest in peace.

vvwet 發表於 2021-8-20 20:39

regrettably, movie of this type in HK is definitely to be getting fewer and fewer

陳永仁 發表於 2021-8-20 23:31

本帖最後由 陳永仁 於 2021-8-21 10:43 編輯

vvwet 發表於 2021-8-20 20:39
regrettably, movie of this type in HK is definitely to be getting fewer and fewer

One of the main reasons why I found this movie immensely enjoyable is that it doesn't have any political correctness.
Especially a scene where Donne Yen's character beats the crap out of a horde of third world savages. This is the kinda excitement you can't find in any recent Hollywood films other than 300 and Lord of the Rings. Considering how socially repressive Hong Kong has become, movies like Raging Fire will soon be wiped out of existence. Which's why I am glad I made the right choice picking the right movie to watch.
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查看完整版本: 《怒火》RAGING FIRE

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