《Game of Death 下一個就死你》Sam Earle, Victoria Diamond
導演 : Sebastien Landry, Laurence Morais-Lagace主演 :Sam Earle, Victoria Diamond, Emelia Hellman, Catherine Saindon, Erniel Baez
美國上映日期: 2020年06月03日
台灣上映日期: 2021年09月10日
"The film is set against a game in which the golden rule is “kill or be killed,” which sucks for seven millennials who decide to play one sunny day. They quickly realize that if they don’t murder people, their heads will literally explode. Hence, they go on a killing spree, taking the lives of anyone they meet in their middle-of-nowhere town. The killer-instinct in each of them bubbles to the surface as the search for victims unravels into chaos. Divided, terrified and confronted with their own mortality, their drive to survive blurs with their desire to win the game."
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