HDMI Cables from China/HK
Hi Guys,British Guy here.Hope you don't mind me posting on here.I've been on a bit of an adventure.
So I've recently bought a Premium High Speed HDMI Cable from BUNU UKHDMI and I was wondering if I can get a cheaper option in Hong Kong/China.
The cable is an HDMI ultra HD Deep Color and is valued at £59.99 and comes with all of the bells and whistles for example - Premium Certified HDMI Cable UK and is capable of a transfer rate of 48GB per second.
The only reason I bought this cable is because my lg tv hdmi not working and I wondered if there was a solution in the country for me to buy a HDMI 2.1 Cable UK over in HK that would be the same quality?
Any info or links to pages that supply to the UK would be appreciated.
Josef https://mengdashuma.world.tmall.com/category-1318720609.htm?spm=a312a.7700824.w5001-3183220153.7.2dc7404dAoTsTv&search=y&catName=%B8%DF%C7%E5HDMI%CF%DF&scene=taobao_shop#bd https://www.zeskit.com/lite21 20120820 發表於 2021-8-4 23:43
This is good with very high CP ratio.