有咩盒子可以完美支援DV 及 atmos true HD?
本人配置如下LG CX
Jbl 9.1 soundbar
如果插落電視就有DV沒atmos true HD
如果插落soundbar 就有atmos但沒DV
有冇師兄知道點處理或有冇其他盒子可以完美支援? HDMI 去 LG (HDMI 2) 經 eARC 去 soundbar Chome cast ,Apple TV 4K SonSon 發表於 2021-7-31 14:53
HDMI 去 LG (HDMI 2) 經 eARC 去 soundbar
Soundbar我是hdmi2呀 Hi Guys,British Guy here.Hope you don't mind me posting on here.I've been on a bit of an adventure. So I've recently bought a Premium High Speed HDMI Cable from BUNU UKHDMI and I was wondering if I can get a cheaper option in Hong Kong/China. The cable is an HDMI ultra HD Deep Color and is valued at £59.99 and comes with all of the bells and whistles for example - Premium Certified HDMI Cable UK and is capable of a transfer rate of 48GB per second. The only reason I bought this cable is because my lg tv hdmi not working and I wondered if there was a solution in the country for me to buy a HDMI 2.1 Cable UK over in HK that would be the same quality? Any info or links to pages that supply to the UK would be appreciated. Josef 終於解決左
原來LG 有個叫amd freesync ,如果開左係食唔到Dolby vision,搞左我半年🙈
現在我盒子插jbl 9.1hdmi in,jbl 9.1插電視hdmi 2,再熄埋個amd freesync 可以完美食到Dolby vision ,Dolby atmos truehd及dts x啦👏👏