huntercui 發表於 2010-3-18 14:43

Media Player: DviCo TViX HD M-6600N/N1 ~ N1100 V1. (March 17, 2010)

DViCO为TViX HD M-6600N及N1(N1100) 高清播放机发布了最新的V1.9.8固件。之前一小批的TVIX N1100(N1)试水之后即将大规模生产。这次固件应该算是第一个官方正式版固件。同之前的1.9.7相比,主要区别是左轮**的主要用户界面和光驱支持的变化。升级过程需要不到一分钟的时间。如果固件升级失败,请使用安全模式升级。如果你的N1是连接到网络,您也可以通过网络更新道最新固件。DviCo马上会将这个固件更新到他们的网络即时更新服务器。

 版本号:Rev 1.9.8

 版本号:Rev 1.9.8_A4

播放机的设置界面默认只显示正式版固件,如果您对新出的测试版固件也有兴趣的话,在设置界面按2-3-8-2 (‘b’-‘e’-‘t’-‘a’)然后按FUNC键。
次世代破解补丁是刷在官方正式固件上的,实现次时代TRUEHD及DTS-HD的LPCM 7.1输出。次补丁为最新版本,极大的改善了次世代的解码效果,欢迎测试回复
相关下载:如果连接网络,请升级Netshare 2.12
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Release Notes for Rev 1.9.8 since Rev 1.9.7 N1:

[ 播放机 / 系统]
1. Change the main revolver user interface to maintain consistency.
- Remove the TV/ RECORD-LIST icons from the main menu in case of no tuner existing.

2. Support external ODD (including CD/ DVD/ BD-ROM drive) to playback audio CD/ data CD/ unencrypted DVD/ unencrypted HDMV.
- Press GOTO key to select ODD device at file browser window, just like selecting USB device.
- Press FUNCTION to attach or detach the media.

3. Supports MP3 LRC lyrics
- Supports .LRC file for lyrics of MP3 file.

4. Adds selection of SKIP DURATION at the setup menu
- Choose SETUP -> MISC to setup the skip duration

5. Adds setting of DATE/ TIME at the setup menu
- Supports setting of year/ month/ day and choose between 12/24 hours

6. Fix the Hebrew subtitle problem

[ 网络 ]
Fix the YOU-TUBE video playback problem

Release Notes 6600:

[ Multimedia Player/ System]
1. Support external ODD (including CD/ DVD/ BD-ROM drive) to playback audio CD/ data CD/ unencrypted DVD/ unencrypted HDMV.
- Press GOTO key to select ODD device at file browser window, just like selecting USB device.
- Press FUNCTION to attach or detach the media.

2. Supports AVC-HD menu
3. Supports MP3 LRC lyrics
- Supports .LRC file for lyrics of MP3 file.

4. Adds selection of ¡°SKIP DURATION¡± at the setup menu
- Choose SETUP -> MISC to setup the skip duration

5. Adds setting of ¡°DATE/ TIME¡± at the setup menu
- Supports setting of year/ month/ day and choose between 12/24 hours

6. Fix the Hebrew subtitle problem
7. New main revolver UI (like N1) will be applied from next firmware release.

8. Fix the problem of more than two hours dual HD recordings (ATSC)
9. Fix the problem of overlapped scheduled recording sometimes.

[ Network ]
10. Fix the YOU-TUBE video playback problem
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Media Player: DviCo TViX HD M-6600N/N1 ~ N1100 V1. (March 17, 2010)

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