VictorSHEK@G 發表於 2021-5-7 18:35


BR.HEN 發表於 2021-5-7 18:47

very nice, push to see the set up
thanks for sharing

ysl 發表於 2021-5-7 19:14


oracle88 發表於 2021-5-7 19:41

anson11 發表於 2021-5-7 08:44
求教如何熄咗前置份 amp.?

„„Preamp Mode
If speakers are connected to the PRE OUT jacks on this unit via a power
amplifier, you can reduce the power consumed by this unit by turning off the
power supplied to the SPEAKERS terminals you are not using on this unit.
Setting Item Default Value Setting Details
Preamp Mode No Select the SPEAKERS terminals whose power you
want to turn off.
"No": Power is supplied to all SPEAKERS
Select when a power amplifier is not connected.
"Front": Turns off the power for the SPEAKERS
terminals for the front speakers.
"Front + Center": Turns off the power for the
SPEAKERS terminals for the front speakers and
center speaker.
"All": Turns off the power for all SPEAKERS
terminals. Select when this unit is to be used as the
• This setting cannot be selected when bi-amp
connection is used for front speakers. Only
"Front" can be selected when bi-amp connection
is used for the center speaker and surround

From SC-LX904 Manual page 177

tenlu 發表於 2021-5-7 20:07


kevinman 發表於 2021-5-7 20:10


tonychoi 發表於 2021-5-7 21:23


billy250 發表於 2021-5-7 21:37

good job thx ching{:6_128:}

philippe 發表於 2021-5-7 22:14


chun229 發表於 2021-5-7 23:00

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查看完整版本: LX904 進階McAcc設定"零失敗"屈機攻略

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