audio-angel 發表於 2021-4-29 14:48

Music Ecstasy Indeed! Hi-Res You Need!

Still wondering what is Hi-Res Audio?
Still don't know why Flac is different from other music file?
Still searching for the platforms where can get the real music?
Silent Angel has prepared for you, no more wondering and searching, we listed the top 5 online music services and top 5 music records where you can reach the lossless soundtracks.
You deserve to listen to the quality sounds, it's time to see how streaming music can serve you a exceptional banquet of music.
Convenience, Musicality, Mobility, Flexibility, Confidence, all these you'll find by streaming music, and Silent Angle is meant to solve all the problems that you may face, we're here to deliver the AV solutions, to create the ecosystem, to make the sounds better.
Silent Angel_Better sounds, better life.

感受最真實的音樂! 高解析帶您體驗!
還在疑惑為什麼 Flac 音樂檔案不同於 MP3 嗎?
Silent Angel 已經幫您整理好了, 最優質的5個線上音樂平台, 最發燒的5個音樂廠牌, 提供給您各式風格及海量曲目.
您值得聆聽音樂家們所傳遞的真實樂音, 是時候體驗看看數位串流音樂是如何帶給您無與倫比的音樂饗宴了!
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