Bluray player 推介(Updated)
本帖最後由 fshair 於 2010-3-17 01:38 編輯Dear All CHing,
I want to buy the Bluray player (I'm using PS3 old ver), can you suggest the BDP for me???{:6_141:}
Many thanks!! Haha one more thing, is it better to buy the US ver of Pioneer 23FD or 320??{:6_141:} OPPO似乎好勁喎~~~~ Woo.....OPPO{:1_253:} Haha one more thing, is it better to buy the US ver of Pioneer 23FD or 320??
fshair 發表於 2010-3-16 05:20
Ching, Pioneer 23FD should be better. Ching, Pioneer 23FD should be better.
shark.l 發表於 2010-3-16 10:16
多謝你的information, 但你Oppo呢期好hit吓......好難揀呀!!! 樓主可否加多一項“只想看結果”{:1_249:} 論c/p值, oppo 83 sure win How about LX52{:6_200:} 論 Performance, 都係 OPPO BDP-83{:1_339:}