《Seize printemps》Spring Blossom
導演 : Suzanne Lindon主演 : Suzanne Lindon, Arnaud Valois, Frédéric Pierrot, Florence Viala, Rebecca Marder, Dominique Besnehard, Philippe Uchan
法國上映日期: 2020年12月09日
英國上映日期: 2021年04月23日
Suzanne is 16. She is bored with people of her age. Every day on her way to high school, she passes a theater. There, she meets an older man, and becomes obsessed with him. Despite their age difference, they find in each other an answer to their ennui and fall in love. But Suzanne is afraid she’s missing out on life – that life of a 16-year-old, which she had struggled so much to enjoy in the same way as her peers.
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