blueray player 可以用 古河314AG 嗎 ?入唔入到 MK 頭 ? BDP當然可以用啦, 但314ag主要用係video多喎, 入到紅色MK頭。 Dear PP-HK,
You mentioned that:-
Do you mean that Furutech 314ag is better to be used as the power cord for TV and projectors rather than blu-ray player? 係架, 多數人都用video多架, 但係用係bdp既效果係點就唔敢講。 係架, 多數人都用video多架, 但係用係bdp既效果係點就唔敢講。
PP-HK 發表於 2010-3-16 10:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁 BD 應該用咩線 ? 302 , 305 太貴了 ...