新 AV Amp
Denon,Onkyo,Yamaha, Pioneer 一一推出新 Amp基本上好似係有3D 同Hdmi 1.4
如果唔介意無3D、咁HDMI 1.4 有又乜特別
定係等佢出新機、舊機跌價先買 唔駛等, 信我 家用 3D 技術唔會流行 起碼黎緊5年內都唔會 "奧斯卡" 已經透露玄機 D 3D都唔會飛埋黎gei , 無咩新意.
av野唔加鹽加醋邊會tum到你地換機. Yes, only different layers. Just like the Christmas cards in my old days. Yes, only different layers. Just like the Christmas cards in my old days.
rictsang 發表於 2010-3-15 14:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
total agree
流唔流行我唔知.不過3D 係某D片種至特出到.
好唔自然,似細路仔玩個d 立體聖誕咁 total agree
流唔流行我唔知.不過3D 係某D片種至特出到.
我覺得係迪迪尼裡面睇果套3D仲正過阿凡達,由其文 ...
ironZ 發表於 15/3/2010 05:32 PM http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
非常同意{:6_193:} 睇3d好頭痛, i dont like You can try to watch the new 3D TV in Sony Showroom.Sure you will be totally disappointed.I watched it for 30 seconds and felt headache. The 3D is just a bit better than the Green-Red glasses 3D technology.But the whole screen is extremely blur and not smooth. 我都一樣, 對3D 技術無興趣, 最緊要是平, 有Full HD display, HDMI 1.3 就好夠. 各品牌點會低價比3D野先得架,未賺夠都唔會平,等下先諗3D啦.