《生而為人》李玲葦, 陳雪甄, 尹昭德
導演 : 倪曜主演 : 李玲葦, 陳雪甄, 尹昭德, 李璇, 李興文, 梁洳瑄
日本上映日期: 2021年03月11日 (OAFF)
台灣上映日期: 2021年
Yang Shi-Nan is a 14-year-old boy who undergoes a metamorphosis without realising what is going on. It begins on a normal school day when he gets stomach cramps. After rushing to the toilet he notices that his urine is turning bloody red. Taken to a doctor he is diagnosed with “Disorders of Sex Development,” or intersex. Without consulting him, Shi-Nan’s parents decide to accept “sex reassignment surgery”, turning Shi-Nan into a female and changing her name to YANG Shi-Lan. The family moves to a new city to start a new life and it all seems to be going well as Shi-Lan blends in and even makes friends. It seems like the butterfly is about to break out of its chrysalis but can Yang Shi-Lan truly embrace her transformation?
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