風仔風仔仔 發表於 2010-3-14 17:05

這個網頁有新款Panasonic 42G20詳細評測


網頁應該係英磅, G20新機平過舊機G10_ 100蚊

風仔風仔仔 發表於 2010-3-14 17:27

睇翻這個網頁早前對500A既測試, G20整體表現都係差過500A好多......


風仔風仔仔 發表於 2010-3-14 17:29

期實有冇咁誇張呀, 500A所有項目都拿reference, 聲音項目係無測試, 如果測試埋, 一定又係拿reference啦,

風仔風仔仔 發表於 2010-3-14 17:35

還有評測G10, black level係excellent, 但G20黑位經過改良, 但black level都係excellent,

ajnakata 發表於 2010-3-14 18:33

Also, it’s worth noting that the G20 displays 24p input signals at a multiple of the frame rate, meaning that they display without judder or stutter.<= g10h hk ver 最大問題希望得到解決

ajnakata 發表於 2010-3-14 23:16

“Intelligent Frame Creation” (which becomes “24p Smooth Film” with a 24p input signal) is a frame interpolation system which should be left Off for the highest and most accurate picture quality. The naming of “24p Smooth Film” has caused great confusion over the last few years, but know this: if your Blu-ray Disc player is sending 24p video to the TV, you must leave this control OFF to see 24p! Confusing? Absolutely. If you turn “24p Smooth Film” to ON, then the TV generates additional inbetween frames (which were never part of the film in the first place) and slips them into the video signal, producing a higher frame rate which was not intended.
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