史提芬曾 發表於 2021-3-14 17:20


本帖最後由 史提芬曾 於 2021-3-15 10:52 編輯

今日好開心係灣仔首先買隻潘姐嘅精選CD。 跟住去2手鋪揾下蓮妹嘅07演唱會CD。 但CD揾吾到,反而揾咗隻LIVE07嘅DVD。

心想末代產物DVD都要埋你,最多吾開電視由PioneerBlu-rayPlayer 去Amp當CD聽。

果然啲隻演唱會好精彩,覺得比MMXI 更好。 而潘姐隻CD仲未聽。遲啲再包膠。

史提芬曾 發表於 2021-3-14 17:37

我想Post啲相上嚟,但係影出來size 最小的都差不多要3mb,可以點搞呢?

ernietse 發表於 2021-3-14 18:26

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2021-3-14 18:33 編輯

Choice 1: you set lower resolution of your camera to retake the photo and then upload!{:8_372:}

Choice 2: Download photo editor apps from apple or google play store: such as SNAPSEED to open your big size photo and resize the photo saving as a smaller file to upload!{:8_390:}

I use SAMSUNG phone already built in free photo editor to easily resize and upload here! Even the highest resolution(12,000 x 9,000) 108MP mode about 45MB a photo can be easily resized and upload conveniently with built-in apps!{:8_376:}

I think your mobile camera shall have built-in photo editor software apps, maybe you call your mobile phone customer services to ask about it! {:8_380:}

史提芬曾 發表於 2021-3-14 19:06

本帖最後由 史提芬曾 於 2021-3-14 19:19 編輯

ernietse 發表於 2021-3-14 18:26
Choice 1: you set lower resolution of your camera to retake the photo and then upload!

Ch ...

我之前部S10+都可以咁較,但而家用S21+已經揾吾到這個function。 咁咪吾可以再簡單post相囉。

ernietse 發表於 2021-3-14 19:46

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2021-3-14 20:57 編輯

史提芬曾 發表於 2021-3-14 19:06
我之前部S10+都可以咁較,但而家用S21+已經揾吾到這個function。 咁咪吾可以再簡單post相囉。 ...

I am Using S21 Ultra, you use GALLERY to preview your photo,

STEP 1: press left hand bottom second PEN icon, then you will see your selected photo,

STEP 2: press RIGHT upper corner (3-dot button)

STEP 3: RIGHT upper corner (3-dot button) has 6 choices, press the 4th RESIZE button,

STEP 4: then you will see RESIZE IMAGE choice and select 20% (2,400 x 1,800) + press DONE

STEP 5: press SAVE

DONE! You have resize the selected photo and saved as another photo file for upload!

MANUAL:If you still do not understand, perhaps you check your MANUAL to find out! The electronicmanual is the second bottom page on your SETTING{:8_364:}

blover 發表於 2021-3-15 10:49


slche2001 發表於 2021-3-16 08:01

07應該係唱冷門歌嗰個演唱會, 第一個九展 Star Hall 演唱會, CD難搵, 出貨唔多, 又無復黑過, 搵到都應該唔平
頁: [1]
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