on2003 發表於 2010-3-14 21:24

{:6_193:}cambridge 650

abba99 發表於 2010-3-14 22:32

support oppo 83

emuho888 發表於 2010-3-14 22:41

我投 cambridge 650

pda2009 發表於 2010-3-14 23:16

Better Oppo bdp-83.Cambridge 650 modeled from Oppo bpd-80 which is a lower model of bdp83.

MingSir 發表於 2010-3-15 00:47

Cambridge CA 650 = 簡化版 OPPO BDP-83, 點解唔揀 OPPO BDP-83 !

OPPO BDP-83 = Lexicon BD-30-->worth US$2800, 而家 ~HK$4XXX 便可買到,點解唔揀 OPPO BDP-83 ??{:1_351:}

ronan 發表於 2010-3-15 02:24

我本身對9500 好有興趣,但PHILIPS D 野好易壞,仲要逐PART 咁慢慢壞
而CAMBRIDGE 650 係OPPO 80 的OEM, 賣$5300 好似貴左D ,同埋始終唔係CAMBRIGE 自己DEISGN

其實以我目前的器材黎講,OPPO 80 是否已經足夠? 我呢二三年都唔會換喇叭住

ronan 發表於 2010-3-15 02:28

依.......OPPO 83 起OUKU賣$4380,又好吸引WO

請問除左OUKU,仲有邊度有OPPO 83 賣?

hellojiang 發表於 2010-3-15 02:47

Cambridge 650BD !!!!!!!!


MingSir 發表於 2010-3-15 09:27

An Review of Lexicon BD-30 (US $3500):

It's an Oppo BDP-83. Normally we'd launch into a statement like this with more tact. We may, for example, wax eloquent about the Lexicon BD-30's beautiful chassis or it's billet aluminum front face. We could tell you about the heft of the unit, or the fact that comes double boxed with enough padding to warrant throwing it off the FedEx or UPS truck while it's still moving. While all of that is true, the Lexicon BD-30 is still an Oppo BDP-83 Blu-ray Player. And what's more, it's not just using the same parts - they actually stuck the player inside - chassis and all. This would be OK, were it not for the $3000 premium and THX certification. As Sherlock Holmes would say: The game is afoot!




MingSir 發表於 2010-3-15 09:37

本帖最後由 MingSir 於 2010-3-15 09:40 編輯

a DENY from CA:

This is pasted from the AVS forum.


The forthcoming Cambridge Audio 650BD is based on the Mediatek MTK8520/MTK8575 chipset. Cambridge Audio of course have a long relationship with Mediatek having based our DVD89/99, DV30 and 540D V1 and V2 DVD players on various Mediatek platforms.

When we decided to enter the Blu-ray market we did in fact investigate several alternatives but the sophistication and performance of the Mediatek platform made it a natural choice. As you would expect we are not the only brand to be using Mediatek development kits and application software, Oppo being the most well known other brand. Actually generally brands like us prefer to use platforms that are also used by other customers as it means that when/if issues with discs and playback formats are found everyone is feeding back into a common knowledge pool (Mediatek in this case) and all brands benefit in terms of the reliability and robustness of the chipset.

In terms of what Mediatek offer each customer the processor includes an OSD generator and tools for defining setup menus and the like. In fact Mediatek supply application code that gives an excellent framework for this. This does of course mean that any machine based on the chipset is very likely to have a similar look and feel to the On-Screen Display.

Ditto the connectors can be similar as there are various guidelines and designs included for PCB layout. Each manufacturer then edits these to greater or lesser extent to add their own flavour of sockets, DACs, power supplies etc. as they see fit.

So, in short, CA and Oppo or others actually have no relation. We are merely connected by our relationship with the actual chipset supplier, Mediatek.

James Johnson-Flint
CEO, Cambridge Audio Ltd / Audio Partnership Plc
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