SammyChu@FB 發表於 2021-2-23 15:04


我想買部dap用usbc 出ifi dac播moov 同tidal24bit到amp ... 但見話有src限制,但又睇唔係好明係未得幾部大陸機先有bypass sony果d唔得? 如果2,3千有沒咩介紹。。。 唔該。。。{:6_136:}

hphp 發表於 2021-2-23 21:44

Sony ZX-507 may fit your need.

"...If you are looking for more power check out the ifi zen series - it has 4.4mm input i believe which will work nicely with the zx..."

SammyChu@FB 發表於 2021-2-23 23:01

hphp 發表於 2021-2-23 21:44
Sony ZX-507 may fit your need.

"...If you are looking for more power check out the ifi zen series - ...

I already have ifi zen dac... so that i can use ZX507 without src issue? whats the difference using usb and balanced as output?
Thank you.

hphp 發表於 2021-2-24 15:33

SammyChu@FB 發表於 2021-2-23 23:01
I already have ifi zen dac... so that i can use ZX507 without src issue? whats the difference usin ...

I have iFi xDSD as well, I am using it to listen Tidal connecting PC and Android phone as well.
iFi xDSD acts as decoder and amifier.
I plug it with balanced 3.5mm phone jack.
The sound is more powerful, better dynamics.
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