day2013 發表於 2021-2-15 21:13

《Je Suis Karl》Luna Wedler, Jannis Niewöhner

導演 : Christian Schwochow

主演 : Luna Wedler, Jannis Niewöhner, Milan Peschel, Elizaveta Maximová, Marlon Boess, Daniela Hirsh

德國上映日期: 2021年

    ALEX, a husband and father of three, leaves his flat to get wine from his car. In the confusion that follows, he's torn from the routine of everyday life and fails to ever find his footing again.

   MAXI, his daughter and a strong young woman, sets out into what might pass as life. It's a brutal weaning process though, and she ends up angry and demanding answers.

KARL set off long ago. He is beguiling, smart as a whip and has the answers Maxi craves. He entices her in, recognising her rage and provides the requisite outlet. Part of a growing radical movement, he dances with her on a razor's edge.


day2013 發表於 2021-2-26 16:56

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查看完整版本: 《Je Suis Karl》Luna Wedler, Jannis Niewöhner

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