sony 9500電視睇netflix網速比較
Netflix 話睇4K要25MB以上, 我用網上X 1000MB光纖入屋, 經router LAN線插電視睇, 測網速得9.xMB, (用手機wifi反而有2-300MB) 講返電視機, 最開始睇就9.xMB, 跟住會上到15.xMB, 不過又睇到4K, 想問下sony電視機測速係咪唔準? Thanks. 只要等唔太耐上15mb都正常 我都係15mb架炸 小瑟 發表於 2021-2-15 18:50我都係15mb架炸
收到~~~唔該ching~~唔該大王~~~ Lan port 得100Mbps
用電視wifi 快好多 1 MB/s = 8 Mbps
Netflix suggested that 4K requires 25Mbps, not 25 MB/s (should be 3.2 MB/s)
手機wifi is 200-300 Mbps = 25-37.5 MB/s
Sony TV has 9.X-15X MB/s, should be able to stream Netflix 4K smoothly.
But 1000MB光纖入屋, lan speed should not only 9.X MB/s,
Need to check router setting, or existing router is not capable to 1000 MB/s WAN
本帖最後由 getter 於 2021-2-17 15:59 編輯
9500 LAN port 只有 100Mbps,但只要你隻 router 同條線冇事,行 LAN 線 100Mbps 絕對夠用,又 stable;就算喺電視用 vpn,速度打咗個 discount 出海睇 4k 都夠用,provided 你 subscribe 嘅 vpn 唔太慢。
Netflix 4k 要求係 25Mbps, not 25MB.
getter 發表於 2021-2-17 01:18
9500 LAN port 只有 100Mbps,但只要你隻 router 同條線冇事,行 LAN 線 100Mbps 絕對夠用,又 stable;就 ...
多謝曬師兄, 我依啲電腦白痴而家先搞清楚Mbps同MB 嘅分別🙏🏻