n-tone 發表於 2021-2-12 00:27

邊對頭戴式 Closed back 隔音好 + 音場闊 (Work From Home)

想請教各立... 因為老婆多咗 WFH, 而我 home office 平時用書架喇叭聽歌變咗唔方便所以想搵對 closed back 咁各自更專心工作。

我一直有用開十多年嘅 Sennheiser HD555 所以習慣咗 open back 比較開陽嘅聲音。有冇邊啲密封式耳機建議呢?我暫時測試咗...

• Beyerdynamic T5p (音樂細節平衡得幾好,低音都唔錯)
• Dan Clark Audio Aeon2 Closed Back (少少唔夠 punch?)
• Denon AH-D5200 (各方面都好平均 只係 ear pads 唔夠大, 聽一陣就熱,隔聲好似幾好喎)
• Fostex TH-900 (高頻分析力實在太犀利 {:1_331:} 都只係好奇想試吓,原來唔隔聲又溜聲 )
• HiFiman HE-R10D (ear pads 好舒服,音場算幾闊,不過啲低音麻麻,仲有少少貴)

請各位ching 指點下 {:6_162:}

antman 發表於 2021-2-12 12:35

Beyerdynamic T5P, good for all aspects

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-12 13:54

antman 發表於 2021-2-12 12:35
Beyerdynamic T5P, good for all aspects

Thanks for the recommendation! I shall go try it... maybe A/B test it against the T5 gen 3 and see if it’s any better. {:8_389:}

antman 發表於 2021-2-13 07:46

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-12 13:54
Thanks for the recommendation! I shall go try it... maybe A/B test it against the T5 gen 3 and see ...


antman 發表於 2021-2-13 07:55

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-12 13:54
Thanks for the recommendation! I shall go try it... maybe A/B test it against the T5 gen 3 and see ...

You might also try on Denon AH-D9200 as a A/B test vs Beyer T5P.

D9200 is another level vs 5200 and 7200.Very good vocal, good base but not punchy.

Relax to listen few hours easily.

I am using it happily.
{:1_340:} {:1_340:}

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-14 01:02

antman 發表於 2021-2-13 07:55
You might also try on Denon AH-D9200 as a A/B test vs Beyer T5P.

D9200 is another level vs 5200 ...

Great idea! I’ve been reading good things about D7200 and D9200. I shall compare these against T5p. Thanks!

BTW have you tried the ZMF Eikon?{:12_770:}

antman 發表於 2021-2-14 08:03

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-14 01:02
Great idea! I’ve been reading good things about D7200 and D9200. I shall compare these against T5 ...

Never try the ZMF, but it looks a true craftmanship{:1_326:}

20120820 發表於 2021-2-16 01:01

朋友們有幾隻Closed back


或者考慮下Focal Elegia and Stellia

唔急等下新的Focal radiance or celestee

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-25 00:37

20120820 發表於 2021-2-16 01:01
朋友們有幾隻Closed back


謝謝建議!我最後揀咗 Denon A7200 ,各方面都好好!{:8_389:}

相比之前再試 Beyer T5p gen2 發現中高音分析力勁咗啲唔係好啱我。 不過我都好奇想聽吓 DT1770 Pro, etc.

antman 發表於 2021-2-25 16:25

n-tone 發表於 2021-2-25 00:37
謝謝建議!我最後揀咗 Denon A7200 ,各方面都好好!

相比之前再試 Beyer T5p gen2 發現中高音 ...

Congratulation Ching, enjoy your new toy{:1_340:} {:1_340:}

Denon is good for Vocal and Mid to Bass.

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