Aria Audio 發表於 2021-2-5 18:06


本帖最後由 audioyui 於 2021-7-10 13:31 編輯

高級發燒音響線材品牌美國彩鑽Clarus推出耳擴{:12_836:} {:12_836:}
玩開高級音響線材對Clarus應該唔會陌生{:12_858:} {:12_858:}

*代理 - 雅詠音響網店/陳列室
*旺角星際3/F Shop313 Master & Media Ltd.

The Finest Portable USB-DAC Available

A “Coda” is defined as a concluding musical passage that brings a sense of completeness to the music. The Clarus CODA is an ultra-high performance USB-DAC amplifier designed to be used with smartphone, tablet or computer. A DAC converts a digital audio signal to analog audio and the amplifier sends the signal to your headphones or your home audio system. The problem with computers and mobile devices is they don’t typically have very good DACs and the amplifiers are usually too weak to drive high performance headphones leaving audio dull and dampened. The CODA by-passes the internal DAC/AMP and delivers audiophile quality sound that has more detail,greater dynamics with ultra-low distortion and provides a bigger sound stage that essentially brings a sense of completeness to your music.

Introducing theCLARUSPortable USB-DAC

The Clarus CODA is an Ultra-High Performance USB-DAC / Headphone Amplifier that includes an MQA renderer. The CODA features the latest in USA-DAC technology that provides ultra-low distortion, more detail, greater dynamics and bigger sound stage. Designed to be used with a smartphone, tablet or computer, the CODA is compatible with Android, iOS, MacOS and Windows 7-10. The CODA will deliver higher than CD quality while listening to your favorite download or streaming Amazon Music, Spotify or Apple Music. When paired with an MQA Core Decoder (streaming with Tidal, Nugs and Xiami or when used with media players, Audirvana and Roon): the CODA’s renderer delivers the full MQA experience, letting you hear what the artist and the music producer heard during the original performance. The CODA features a mini stereo input and an USB-A output with a two-button volume control and a choice of three roll-off filters.


The heart of the Clarus CODA is a new legendary ESS Professional Series SABRE® DAC audio converter with Hyperstream® II modulation. The new SABRE® DAC provides previously unheard sound stage and clarity. QUAD DACTM Technology delivers superb 120dB SNR and -112dB THD+N for the ultimate in sound quality with a stable sound field. The low-power USB controller supports USB 1.1 and 2.0 and can natively handle 32-bit 384 kHz PCM and up to DoP128. The CODA has tight power supply regulation using a multi-stage, low noise, high ripple rejection CMOS based regulator, while a high-precision audio grade clock reduces jitter. The CODA’s class G headphone amplifier provides class AB performance with ultra-low power consumption optimized for mobile use. The 2.0Vrms output voltage will provide plenty of power for the most demanding headphones and class G ensures it won’t drain your battery.

CODA is an MQA renderer. MQA stands for Master Quality Authenticated. MQA is an award-winning British technology that delivers the sound of the original recording. Traditional encoding discards music information to reduce size. MQA is fully authenticated in the studio and then folds the music file small enough to stream or download. MQA calls this folding “Music Origami”. When the CODA is paired with a MQA Code Decoder (available streaming with Tidal, Nugs and Xiami or when used with media players like Audirvana and Roon); the CODA’s renderer will automatically detect the MQA stream and engage the rendering process to complete the final unfold unlocking the full studio experience. Visit for more informaton.

Volume Control
The CODA supports HID (Human Interface Design) volume control via the side panel buttons; (+) for volume up and (-) for volume down. CODA’s volume control is capable of 64 steps depending on the volume rate setting of the device it is controlling. There is zero switching noise during volume control

LED Indicator Lights
CODA’s LED Indicator lights up in different colors to indicate the audio sample rate. The sample rate is how many times per second a piece of music is sampled during the recording. Higher sample rates mean higher quality in the recording.

Three User Selectable Digital FiltersThree User Selectable Digital Filters
The CODA’s side panel buttons also provide a method of choosing from one of three digital roll-off filters. You can hear these features by ear; just select whichever one sounds best to you.

CODA Firmware Updates
The CODA’s software is upgradeable. As technology changes Clarus will provide improvements for your CODA via firmware updates.

Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 12:59

本帖最後由 audioyui 於 2021-7-10 13:00 編輯

好野當然要推Post {:12_836:} {:12_836:} {:12_836:}

Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:00

完全出到 IU 嘅靚聲💕🎉
美國彩鑽 Clarus CODA
手提 DAC / Headphone amp🎼🎶🎵
非常靚聲又好推力,有靚時鐘,靚 Class G 擴音機,仲完全支援高清再加上 DSD / MQA 支持,心情大好😎😍


Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:02

🇺🇲 Clarus CODA
手提 DAC / Headphone amp
非常靚聲又好推力,加上 DSD / MQA 支持,仲有得輕件升級😎,越玩越好玩~😍

Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:04


Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:05

本帖最後由 audioyui 於 2021-7-10 13:06 編輯


Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:07

發燒人客實試😎,🇺🇲 Clarus Coda DAC 耳擴

Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:09

串流音樂服務已經進入戰國時代,想輕鬆遊走各大平台,你必需一件可靠好聲的USB隨身解碼耳擴!美國Clarus Coda USB headphone DAC 將會係你的最好選擇。

Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-10 13:19

🇺🇲 彩鑽 Clarus CODA
手提 DAC / Headphone amp
非常靚聲又好推力,有靚時鐘,靚 Class G 擴音機,仲完全支援高清再加上 DSD / MQA 支持😎

Aria Audio 發表於 2021-7-17 17:44

美國Clarus Coda DAC耳擴,推動 18 單元旗艦耳機,人客非常滿意~立即帶走Coda~💕

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查看完整版本: 美國彩鑽Clarus首個便携耳擴產品CODA正式推出

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