hkboy 發表於 2021-1-4 10:40

本帖最後由 hkboy 於 2021-1-4 10:43 編輯

呢個我明白, 只係當初玩tidal 時join master 會員, 當然希望聽到master MqA 格式的hi res 檔案, 但而家發覺到原來都係出44.1, 有d 掛羊頭感覺。。。

不過見樓上ching測試, 可能只係我硬件問題。 。。

ericc206 發表於 2021-1-4 12:17

師兄,TOPPING D90好似有兩個版本,後期的寫明支援MQA,而早期的冇MQA,我自己用緊SMSL M400,出到全解MQA。買呢部之前有睇過D90,但當時MQA版本香港未有得賣。

小小Pat 發表於 2021-1-4 13:57

hkboy 發表於 2021-1-4 09:07
問多一句, ching 係咪用usb audio playerpro ?

係,Android手機加PAW S1。

tcflex 發表於 2021-1-4 14:32

本帖最後由 tcflex 於 2021-1-4 14:33 編輯

hkboy 發表於 2021-1-3 21:31
PLAYER 係auralic aries mini

C Ching

Lightning DS in Auarlic Mini has MQA setting. When you enable this feature, eg Pass through, the lighting DS will not unfold the first level of MQA and direct pass to Full decoder ofDAC ( make sure your DAC is full decoder ). If the DAC is a full decoder, the dac will unfold the core and the other 2 layer to get highest sampling rate of the MQA files. If you don't set pass through, the player will unfold the first layer. Your said song , i have tested it in my DSC NB and non MQA DAC, it should unfold the core only to get88.k and pass to dac.However, you case is very strange. if you don't change everything, why this oneis still 44.1k and the other is ok?

Here below is the instruction from the lightning DS.

‘MQA Pass-through’: When enabled this setting will pass the original music signal through your streaming device without making any changes allowing an external DAC to use its own decoding functions. Use this option when connected to an MQA-enabled DAC for example. (You may also need to disable the volume control function of your streaming device or set the volume to 100 to ensure full-level pass-through of the signal.)

‘Decoding Method’: AURALiC streaming devices are capable of decoding MQA files using AURALiC’s proprietary resampling and de-blurring method. You can select from the sampling rate settings for the process described here. Please note that this process is not an MQA-created or MQA-licensed process.
‘Auto’: Your streaming device will detect the best decoding sampling rate based on the information in the MQA file. It will also detect the maximum sampling rate of a USB-connected DAC.
‘2x Sampling Rate’: Your streaming device will always decode MQA files at 88.2 kHz or 96 kHz depending on the original file’s sampling rate.
‘4x Sampling Rate’: Your streaming device will always decode MQA files at 176.4 kHz or 192 kHz depending on the original file’s sampling rate.
‘8x Sampling Rate’: Your streaming device will always decode MQA files at 352.8 kHz or 384 kHz depending on the original file’s sampling rate.

hkboy 發表於 2021-1-4 16:30

本帖最後由 hkboy 於 2021-1-4 16:31 編輯

ericc206 發表於 2021-1-4 12:17
師兄,TOPPING D90好似有兩個版本,後期的寫明支援MQA,而早期的冇MQA,我自己用緊SMSL M400,出到全解MQA ...

我部係Mqa版本, 聽john william mqa格式可出到96k (or 88k ...唔係好記得)

hkboy 發表於 2021-1-4 16:36

ericc206 發表於 2021-1-4 12:17
師兄,TOPPING D90好似有兩個版本,後期的寫明支援MQA,而早期的冇MQA,我自己用緊SMSL M400,出到全解MQA ...

Ching 可否試下ronald 首新歌my only one mqa , 睇下出唔出到hi-res

3/5A 發表於 2021-1-4 16:47

有部份MQA 就只得44.1, 但係 24 bit

音響發燒友微燒 發表於 2021-1-4 16:51

ericc206 發表於 2021-1-4 12:17
師兄,TOPPING D90好似有兩個版本,後期的寫明支援MQA,而早期的冇MQA,我自己用緊SMSL M400,出到全解MQA ...

師兄想問下你部topping d90喺邊度買呀咩價錢呀 好似個個都話幾好喎 直頭頂得住成萬銀嗰啲級數

hkboy 發表於 2021-1-4 17:00

我係淘寶買, 直送香港

bbc701 發表於 2021-1-4 17:25

本帖最後由 bbc701 於 2021-1-4 17:28 編輯

hkboy 發表於 2021-1-4 16:36
Ching 可否試下ronald 首新歌my only one mqa , 睇下出唔出到hi-res

總括嚟講 MQA 係有 24bit 44.1 故事已完,唔會全部 MQA 都係 176.4 kHz or 384 kHz ,全部上到 384 又如何,開開心心聽下歌就算
頁: 1 [2] 3 4
查看完整版本: 有部份Tidal MQA 只有44.1k ?

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