maner394 發表於 2010-3-11 11:42

pepsiman 發表於 2010-3-11 11:23


pepsiman 發表於 2010-3-11 12:11

maner394 發表於 2010-3-11 11:42

係有開 = 無開...{:6_137:}

akira11092 發表於 2010-3-11 12:23


本身一路都用開插 1開2 之後換O左條 1出1 淨插 L, 比較之下發覺
1出2 的確係大力一點, 呢種量感並唔係淨插一邊再扭大聲0的可以做到O既
效至於有人話係大力不過O的聲亦都蒙O左, 無插單邊時咁清脆......呢個就見人見志
最後都係用返條一開二舊線,subwoofer 理應就係要有呢種量感, 有齋LR 兩邊一定有其道理
而家O個條買O左幾百蚊0既1出1 subwoofer cable 已經擺埋一邊幾個月, 無駁
至於點解咁多人都話插單 L 就可以喇O的聲出O黎仲清脆0左, 我都理解呢種 "清脆O左"
亦等於 "薄O左" 咁當然呢個亦都見人見志
我小人之心陰謀論: 唔排除又係o的生意佬放出黎o既傳說
間廠出條 subwoofer cable 係一出一o既不過就賣成幾千銀, 然後就話梗係插一出一啦
一來出黎o既效果清脆唔會一舊舊咁, 你返去試下
點解唔一開始就做條一開二呢 ? 咁都可以賣幾千銀喎......咁就無o左以上傳說趁托條線賣咁
貴就好難銷, 加上出o的一開二o既 "分插頭" 去配合番有人玩一開二o既人又賺多筆
概然咁樣喇咪要買多條啦 兩條"QED SIGNATURE" + 個一開二分插頭添, 都咪話唔好賺呀

hogoh 發表於 2010-3-11 13:10


jayngan 發表於 2010-3-11 13:12


本身一路都用開插 1開2 之後換O左條 1出1 淨插 L, 比較之下發覺
1出2 的確係 ...
akira11092 發表於 2010-3-11 12:23

從生意角度睇~ woofer cable實在十分好利潤~

hogoh 發表於 2010-3-11 13:16


chhanthony 發表於 2010-3-11 13:17

1出2 個量會大O左

maner394 發表於 2010-3-11 13:54

sunfire hrs 系列建意使用方法:
Connections to a preamplifier’s subwoofer output

If your processor or receiver has
a subwoofer output (Sub/LFE), it
should be connected to the subwoofer’s
Left input as shown. This
is the simplest and recommended
If you have a Home Theater processor
or receiver, it probably has
an independent subwoofer volume
and crossover control. If so, you
should set the subwoofer’s volume
control to 0 dB, the crossover to
Bypass, and use the processor’s
subwoofer level and frequency controls
for adjustments.

Connections using Y cables
If your processor does not have
a Sub/LFE output, you can use
“Y” cables (or Y adaptors) to send
its left and right main outputs
to both the subwoofer and your
The subwoofer will play the low
frequency range, and your front
speakers will play the full range.
Although bass is commonly
distributed evenly between left
and right channels (L+R bass),
movie soundtracks often contain
differential (L-R) bass. If this is
not preserved, the bass
in these scenes
sounds anemic. The
subwoofer utilizes
differential gain on
the left and right
inputs to retain both
the L+R and L-R
Systems that do
not have a dedicated
Sub/LFE output
should use both
the left and the right
inputs as shown, for
the greatest bass impact

Using the line-level high-pass outputs
If you are using a receiver or
processor which does not have
a Sub/LFE output, you can send
its left and right front output
into the subwoofer’s Line-Level
inputs and then connect the
subwoofer’s High-Pass outputs
to the inputs of your amplifier.
The subwoofer will play the
low frequencies, and your
amplifier and front speakers
will play the frequency range
above the subwoofer’s fixed
(70 Hz) high-pass crossover
The signals coming
out of the subwoofer’s
outputs are not
affected by any of
the controls. They
are just a copy of
the signals going
into the subwoofer
except that the
low bass is filtered
out. This uses
the subwoofer’s
passive crossover
network, set at 70
Hz, rather than the
active network and other controls.
This is an excellent method if your
speakers are small satellites or minimonitors,
and/or your power amplifier is
of limited power, such as a tube amp.
For the ultimate in computer sound
systems, connect the left and right audio
output from your computer sound card
into the subwoofer inputs. Connect the
sub's high-pass outputs to the inputs of
your powered speakers. You may need
some RCA-to-mini plug adaptors to make
the connections. Adjust the sub's volume
control to match low-powered speakers.
See the note about magnetic fields on

PP-HK 發表於 2010-3-11 14:02

sunfire hrs 系列建意使用方法:
Although bass is commonly distributed evenly between left and right channels (L+R bass), movie soundtracks often contain differential (L-R) bass. If this is
not preserved, the bass in these scenes sounds anemic. The subwoofer utilizes
differential gain on the left and right inputs to retain both the L+R and L-R information. Systems that do not have a dedicated Sub/LFE output should use both the left and the right inputs as shown, for the greatest bass impact...
maner394 發表於 2010-3-11 13:54


maner394 發表於 2010-3-11 16:22

PP-HK 發表於 2010-3-11 14:02
Connections to a preamplifier’s subwoofer output

Connections using Y cables

Using the line-level high-pass outputs

頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: 拾仔插單邊定雙邊好d呢?

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