djaddy 發表於 2010-3-10 22:52

今日收到一個包裹 (單晶銅喇叭線)

本帖最後由 245141525 於 2010-4-4 15:08 編輯

今日老闆幫我收到一個包裹... {:6_208:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-3-10 23:20

單晶銅中置喇叭線, 單晶銅RCA, 單晶銅香蕉插頭

After using the same 單晶銅喇叭線 for 前置, it is time to upgrade for 中置 la!

jackiewong518 發表於 2010-3-10 23:24


djaddy 發表於 2010-3-10 23:27

jackiewong518 發表於 2010-3-10 23:24

尚未支付 {:6_240:}
朋友預付 {:6_220:}

micma 發表於 2010-3-11 00:02

唔知咩價呢...有冇link ar...師兄

djaddy 發表於 2010-3-11 22:24

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2010-3-11 22:44 編輯

朋友從香港寄來的包裹 - 單晶銅中置喇叭線上位 {:6_193:}

littleeyes 發表於 2010-3-11 23:24

Full Suit 單晶銅 cable {:1_335:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-3-11 23:33

Full Suit 單晶銅 cable
littleeyes 發表於 2010-3-11 23:24

yes! finally!

hellowe 發表於 2010-3-12 00:38

yes! finally!
djaddy 發表於 2010-3-11 23:33

wait for your much...???{:1_338:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-3-12 07:19

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2010-3-12 07:31 編輯

Actually, I used the same speaker cable for my front speakers for a few months. The nature of this cable is fast, "light & sweet", the sound-stage is wide. I just think it is time to upgrade to the same cable for my center channel.

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