marcusli 發表於 2021-3-5 10:55最後係咩地方買?
Seoul, 04751
South Korea
cth516 發表於 2021-3-5 08:56
US$900-{:6_174:} Big_McIn 發表於 2021-3-5 11:02
嘩,so expensive 本帖最後由 heven 於 2021-3-5 15:57 編輯
改電源部份,咁大工程,差唔多成部機拆晒再裝返,情願加隻靚仔牛牛,或者另一方面睇,以香港人黎計全區碼係最緊要,換份靚靚電源,就留番啲發燒友!佢個價錢梗係貴啦,成隻環牛俾你哋,佢原裝嘅都係所謂嗰啲Switch牛咋嘛!本人認為改機改得越少就相對越好,或許相信佢要換份環牛所以先至搞到咁大鑊,如果純粹換返一個普通嘅Switch火牛,相對應該簡單掛!我昨天在美遜想落order,但係發現原來HSBC Red卡相對地着數(多謝師兄較早前提醒),我又冇這張卡,所以嗱嗱聲申請搞得來起碼月中先至可以落order啦!本應一部普通嘅美/加版再加隻牛仔,應該可以應付到香港大部份師兄嘅需要,但係最可惜我哋啲老嘢仲有啲舊嘅日版DVD,所以先至要思前想後,諗入手全區碼嘅機! Big_McIn 發表於 2021-3-5 11:02
Big_Mcln師兄及cth516師兄,你哋估吓會唔會用類似的hardware kit {:12_725:}
https://www.rattlebyte.com/Shop.php?lang=en&action=select_model&model_id=254 heven 發表於 2021-3-5 20:18
Big_Mcln師兄及cth516師兄,你哋估吓會唔會用類似的hardware kit
我估99.9%係呢個, Because My UB9000's firmware as same as (The latest version of custom firmware for this model is 1.60) cth516 發表於 2021-3-5 22:03
我估99.9%係呢個, Because My UB9000's firmware as same as (The latest version of custom firmware fo ...
https://av.jpn.support.panasonic.com/support/global/cs/bd/download/ub420/ub420_euro.html 本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2021-3-6 04:44 編輯
heven 發表於 2021-3-5 20:18
Big_Mcln師兄及cth516師兄,你哋估吓會唔會用類似的hardware kit
Updating the Firmware
For the multiregion modification to work, the firmware of your unit must first be updated. To
update the firmware, proceed as follows:
1. Unpack the provided archive file to an empty FAT32 formatted USB stick
2. Insert the USB stick into the front USB slot while the player is on the Home Screen
3. The update process will start automatically
4. Once the update has finished (the led on the front panel is flashing 3 times repeatedly,
or FINISH is displayed), remove the USB stick and press the power button on the
front panel twice to restart the player.
Note: The firmware files have been modified to start the firmware upgrade even if your
player already has the latest firmware version. Since the player will initiate the
firmware upgrade automatically without asking for a confirmation, leaving a USB
stick with custom firmware files attached to the player will cause repeated
automatic firmware updates each time the player is turned on! it is therefore
recommended to delete the firmware files from the USB stick once you have
performed the upgrade.
Installing Future Firmware Updates
Once available, network firmware updates can be installed as usual using the player's built-in
firmware upgrade facility. Make sure the player is connected to the Internet, then navigate to
Setup→Player Settings→System→Firmware Update→Update Now and start the update
When upgrading from a USB stick, it is possible to overwrite the custom firmware in the
player with a newer version of standard Panasonic firmware. In this case the multi region
features will be disabled and custom firmware will need to be reinstalled to re-enable them.
本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2021-3-6 05:10 編輯
cth516 發表於 2021-3-5 22:03
我估99.9%係呢個, Because My UB9000's firmware as same as (The latest version of custom firmware fo ...
以上英文寫明,Multiregion ABC,日後update一定要透過網絡做,萬萬不能以USB手指做,否則ABC firmware 會被移除,這亦表明,要買就一定在Amazon usa,起碼衰佐都保住region A,至於100-240v,佢點搞真唔知,保險計,插110v 穩陣的。
Big_McIn 發表於 2021-3-6 03:08
佢哋咁即係捉字虱咋喎,永遠都用到不過話如果廠方有新嘅Firmware,更新咗新版本,如果要用region free,重裝1.6,佢就唔support新的firmware啦,除非賣家再要新版讓買家下載!如果撇除要睇舊款日版DVD,咁咪即係索性買隻美版原裝UB9000再加隻德國靚仔火牛,就慳二千幾大洋啦!但現在美遜UB9000無貨,要再等一會!