panasonic OLED 用家請進
各位師兄,我見有個叫**面板保養**功能,大家有無間中做下{:6_141:}信興裝機師父叫我一星期做1,2次,大家知唔知有咩用{:6_229:} 師傅冇講,又搵唔到有關資料講幾時要做。 做個一次,自動提示叫我做 beginners 發表於 2020-10-23 22:41
師兄咁你有無做過 ?
我覺得做果陣無晒畫面,都唔知係咩原理,驚越做越衰{:6_192:} freeboy 發表於 2020-10-23 23:22
師兄,佢無啦啦彈句野出嚟叫你做 ?{:6_141:}
師兄你部咩型號 ? bearbear1314 發表於 2020-10-24 10:25
師兄咁你有無做過 ?
照 ehelp 講晝面會關上,但又冇提過我做。 beginners 發表於 2020-10-24 10:56
照 ehelp 講晝面會關上,但又冇提過我做。
幫我安裝師父幾好人,有叫我間中做下,又叫我唔好較太光,咁樣會耐用好多{:6_193:} 應該都是防燒印。
e加好方便,之前我plasma 看片input 較光一些,tv/盒仔就暗dd Manual says :
There are two types of the maintenance as following.
* Normal maintenance automatically starts, and it takes approx. 10 minutes.
* Regular maintenance takes approx. 80 minutes.•When regular maintenance is necessary, the message appears on the screen after turning the TV off with the remote control. Follow the on-screen instructions.•During the panel maintenance, a white horizontal line appears on the screen for a while. This is not a malfunction. beginners 發表於 2020-10-24 11:44
Manual says :
There are two types of the maintenance as following.
師父叫我係定期做Regular maintenance