BKK 發表於 2020-10-19 01:29

JM lab CC800 雙6.5吋低音單元大型中置喇叭--sold

本帖最後由 BKK 於 2020-10-22 15:05 編輯

價錢 HK$: 1200
Made in France JM Lab CC800 新淨企理靚仔, 好有份量人聲好出及爆得. 罕有雙6.5吋低音單元行Biwire. 易推!

A High class centre speaker, using JM Lab’s ‘W’ sandwich Bass driver. This is JM’s most prestigious cone material which is built up in layers with woven glassfibre fabric and a thin layer of special structural foam borrowed from the aerospace industry. This combines low mass with very high stiffness and excellent self damping properties.The tweeter is the unique inverted dome type. The dome is turned inside out to offer high stiffness and better mechanical coupling between the voicecoil and the dome which improves its performance.The cabinet uses stylish wooden side panels and a perforated metal grille gives the speaker a sharp, contemporary look.Twin Binding posts allow Bi-Wiring connections.Two way system 2 x 6.5” Bass/Mid driver 1” Tioxid inverted dome tweeter 60Hz – 22Khz Frequency Response 8 Ohms impedance 92.5db Sensitivity 100 watts power handling HxWxD 180 x 520 x 298mm Weight 12Kg.

BKK 發表於 2020-10-22 15:05

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