SAMPAN 發表於 2010-3-7 20:59

matrix dac

{:1_338:}有冇ching 用過呢隻matrix dac,係大陸做,個樣抄Bel Canto,想問下咩聲底,因見佢賣$2xxx,想買番部擺係房,仲可以當pre-amp 用..............俾d 意見......hahaha.......

djaddy 發表於 2010-3-7 23:01

10-21-09: Anwill
I've had a bunch of Dacs now and for various reasons. These include Musical Fidelity x3 dac, PS Audio III, Grace M902 Chinese made Matrix, and now the DacMagic. Each has its own character and I mainly used them to play thourgh my computer set up but also tried it out in my main system that is all Simaudio with Wilson Sophia 1 speakers. I think the Dacmagic is the best value by far. My favorite remains the Grace M902 but I sold it since I don't used it much and I sold it to buy the Matrix and the Dacmagic and still have money left over. The musical fidelity was nice and warm but too many things need (power supply, cords) to sound good. The PS Audio was sold to get the Grace and I liked it as well but I think the DacMagic is second only the Grace. The Grace is much more analytical while being very dynamic and had excelelnt bass. The DacMagic is more lush and I don't mind it with the Wilson speakers. I mainly use it to upgrade the sound coming from my 500gb Apple TV.
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