Lotoo Paw S1 聽感
想請問下入左Paw S1嘅師兄,支野聽感如何,推力夠唔夠推圈鐵/靜電iem?同埋插電話聽歌嗰陣干擾嚴唔嚴重?thx
我用iPhone 聽MOOV又聽唔到有干擾,推隻爛鬼一圈三鐵開50-60已經夠聲,不過我覺得用佢黎聽shure aonic 5好正,開30左右已經夠 my wife use it to listen to joox with iphone, she likes it, no interference.
someone said using a better shielding interconnect may reinforce the signal transfer too 干擾好嚴重 唔好買
已經放左係櫃 alleung 發表於 2020-10-8 11:59
干擾好嚴重 唔好買
i have been using for like few months and don't find any interference and i think it depends on what earphone and phone you are using. 買 S1 一定要用電話試左先,不是部部電話都有干擾聲問題,我部電話一插就有問題,但我也聽過插其它電話完全冇干擾聲的。 chanyuehang 發表於 2020-10-8 14:23
i have been using for like few months and don't find any interference and i think it depends on wh ...
for reference. Mine is iphone XR with shure 846 試過用在小米手機同埋iphone 7都冇問題可能真係要夾手機