Hugo Fok 發表於 2020-9-21 16:56

Epson EH-LS500 超短焦 4K 鐳射投影機 : 唔洗三萬可玩100吋畫面 !?

100" TV入手不是夢. 被定位為「超短距家用鐳射投影電視」的 Epson EH-LS500 為 Epson 最新推出的 4K 鐳射光源超短焦投影機,最高光度峰值達 4,000 流明,能在 81.7cm 超短距離投出達最大 130 吋巨幕畫面,仲整合原生 Android TV 系統和喇叭出聲功能,配埋Epson自家短投幕,只需HKD$27,000就有交易,以日系品牌來講,都可說非常有殺傷力呀!!!

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jaychau 發表於 2020-9-22 15:42

請問佢原生係咪1080 upscale上4k?

小小Pat 發表於 2020-9-23 09:43

jaychau 發表於 2020-9-22 15:42
請問佢原生係咪1080 upscale上4k?

類似佢另外部TW8400,原生為 1,920×1,080 解像度,配合 4K PRO-UHD 技術能將訊號提升至 4K 超細膩像素!


chan@76 發表於 2020-9-23 11:08

本帖最後由 chan@76 於 2020-9-23 11:27 編輯

小小Pat 發表於 2020-9-23 09:43
類似佢另外部TW8400,原生為 1,920×1,080 解像度,配合 4K PRO-UHD 技術能將訊號提升至 4K 超細膩像素! ...

DLP 果種移動方法 同 佢呢種移動好似係唔同概念bor
冇記錯0.47 DLP 係張1080上下左右車輪戰咁投返岀嚟
而Epson 好似只係張個1080斜角移動投岀嚟
理論上無論 0.66 or 0.47 DLP 重叠影像嘅密度係高過 epson 果種
但 epson 呢個鏡頭咁大件睇嚟質素有一定水準

XPR Technology achieves true 4K by producing 8.3 million distinct pixels regardless of the DMD chip’s number of native pixels. In addition to doubling the 0.66” DMD’s 2716 x 1528 pixels, XPR also perfectly quadruples the 0.47” DMD chip’s 1920 x 1080 pixels to generate true 4K 8.3 million pixels with lightning-fast pixel shifting speed.

What is the difference between XPR Technology and 4K-Enhancement Technology?
Although both XPR Technology for DLP projectors and 4K-Enhancement Technology for other projector mechanisms are pixel-shifting technologies, the results they produce are completely different.

• XPR Technology produces 8.3 million distinct pixels regardless of the DMD chip’s number of native pixels. In addition to doubling the 0.66” DMD’s 2716 x 1528 pixels, XPR also perfectly quadruples the 0.47” DMD chip’s 1920 x 1080 pixels to generate true 4K 8.3 million pixels with lightning-fast pixel shifting speed.

• 4K-Enhancement Technology can only produce 4.1 million pixels by doubling the native 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution, achieving less than half of the required 8.3 million pixels for true 4K resolution.

ms_driller 發表於 2020-9-23 12:18


jaychau 發表於 2020-9-23 15:05

小小Pat 發表於 2020-9-23 09:43
類似佢另外部TW8400,原生為 1,920×1,080 解像度,配合 4K PRO-UHD 技術能將訊號提升至 4K 超細膩像素! ...

因為我睇返Epson EH-LS500佢個說明書都自己寫到明係1,920×1,080 解像度,



chan@76 發表於 2020-9-23 15:18

jaychau 發表於 2020-9-23 15:05
因為我睇返Epson EH-LS500佢個說明書都自己寫到明係1,920×1,080 解像度,

1920 x 1080 = 2073600
而 epson 只係對角移動,即係每次移動投放一次 2073600
所以即係等如每一個循環投放左 4147200 像素

jaychau 發表於 2020-9-23 15:40

chan@76 發表於 2020-9-23 15:18
1920 x 1080 = 2073600
而 epson 只係對角移動,即係每次移動投放一次 2073600
所以即係等如每一個循環投 ...

咁樣算唔算只係得2k 分辨率再演算做4k?@@

chan@76 發表於 2020-9-23 17:16

jaychau 發表於 2020-9-23 15:40
咁樣算唔算只係得2k 分辨率再演算做4k?@@

FACT #1 –PRO-UHD has only 50% of the resolution compared to 4K UHD
For most products, using the word “Pro” or “Enhanced” in front of the industry-standard usually means that the product has been improved over the standard in some way. However, when you buy a PRO-UHD or 4K Enhanced (4Ke) – it means that you are only getting half of the resolution that a 4K UHD television or projector delivers. How is this possible? BenQ was one of the first brands to deliver a true 4K UHD projector using Texas Instruments new DLP chip that delivered true 4K UHD resolution with over 8 million pixels to mainstream home theater projectors. Other brands including Sony also market projector models with true 4K resolution, and while these models are more expensive, they all deliver over 8 million pixels to the screen.

What about projector models with "Pro-UHD" and "4K Enhancement" (4Ke) resolution? While they can receive a native 4K signal into the projector, they only display about half as many pixels - just over 4 million pixels on the screen at one time while a true UHD projector delivers over 8 million pixels at one time. Although the picture is an improvement over 1080p projectors you should be aware that a PRO-UHD projector image does not display a true 4K UHD image as defined by the Consumer Electronics Association.

FACT #2 – PRO-UHD is a marketing term – not an industry specification
If you’ve shopped for a 4K television, only 4K UHD is used in describing resolution. For projectors, the only products that use the PRO-UHD description are projector models from Epson. So what is PRO-UHD? It is just a registered trademark used to describe the resolution produced by Epson e-shifting technology.

Like automotive engines that use turbochargers to increase the horsepower out of an engine cylinder, projector manufacturers such as BenQ, Epson, JVC, and others use different chips and techniques to multiply the number of pixels on your screen. Epson's PRO-UHD projectors models using 3LCD technology can only produce 4+ million addressable pixels with a typical specification of “1920 x 1080 x 2” resolution. By contrast, every BenQ 4K UHD projector uses Texas Instruments DLP technology to achieve the required 3840 x 2160 resolution that produces images that Home Theater HIFI said creates "a stunning Ultra HD image that is simply unmatched by anything else I’ve seen."

FACT #3 – Retailers may market PRO-UHD as having true 4K UHD resolution
Although PRO-UHD projectors don’t meet the official 4K UHD standard, many retailers market them the same as 4K projectors that have twice the resolution. They may not make it clear that the resolution on a PRO-UHD model is lower than a true 4K UHD projector.

For example, one large North American retailer markets a PRO-UHD projector as “Epson - Home Cinema 4010 4K 3LCD Projector with High Dynamic Range – White”, but doesn’t display the actual pixel resolution of the projector. Another website misstates the resolution of the same model saying it has 4K UHD resolution. The Epson website even describes this model with PRO-UHD using the term "4K Enhancement (1)" that describes the resolution as 1920x1080x2, which is half of the number of pixels required for a true 4K UHD display. With descriptions like this, it is easy for customers to think they are getting the full 8 million pixels like they would if they purchase a BenQ 4K UHD projector – at a similar price point.

小瑟 發表於 2020-9-23 18:51

jaychau 發表於 2020-9-22 15:42
請問佢原生係咪1080 upscale上4k?

呢部 LS500都係用返 Epson自己的Pixel Shift 4K Enhancement技術, 通過投射晶片0.5個像素的偏移來獲得4K解像度的,加埋佢個 Super Resolution技術, 效果OK架. 而且投影機除左似素, 鏡頭都好緊要呢~{:12_780:}
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