了解下市場價格 (JL Audio E110/E112)
請問有無c hing 近排問過JL Audio E110 and E112 價位?
請問約幾銀? I bought my E110 6 months ago around $13000 本帖最後由 smallone 於 2020-9-14 17:22 編輯
mikechw 發表於 2020-9-14 16:51
I bought my E110 6 months ago around $13000
{:1_351:} thz
c hing, 請問你地方有多大? E110效果如何? smallone 發表於 2020-9-14 17:21
c hing, 請問你地方有多大? E110效果如何?
Living room is around 160 sq. feet..
Power of E-110 is enough.
I mainly use it for my stereo pair up. mikechw 發表於 2020-9-15 07:52
Living room is around 160 sq. feet..
Power of E-110 is enough.
I mainly use it for my stereo pair...
Thz yr reply.It is valuable reference{:1_351:}