小弟從友人處搬左對Sonus Faber Elector Amator番黎,但屋企無腳架,唔知點安置佢好。我知呢款喇叭有原裝腳架,但係出左咁耐都好難搵。
廣州爵士個d得唔得? 有無師兄用過?
THX!! I'm Sonus Faber Elector Amator ex-user. My experience is you must find the original stand Iron/Wood or Wood/Stone. Both are great match with SF EA. But Iron/wood offer a bit better & solid bass while Wood/Stone give you sweet hi.
Meanwhile, the woofer of EA must place same height to your ear to acheive balance sound, and rich vocal. That's why you need the original stand. Other stand is just waste your money even Foundation Designer II. One more thing. Original stand is cost around 3.5k (2nd hand) only why 2k buy a local made stand!!