man1117 發表於 2020-8-24 21:04

想問下 Denon PMA-2500 街價幾錢?

最近想買部Amp同DAC,想問下 Denon PMA-2500 而家街價幾錢?

零售價好似$18800,Denon 一般有幾多%折扣呀?


ACCUPHASE@E270 發表於 2020-8-25 06:22

taichu2 發表於 2020-8-25 07:20


xerxeshowie 發表於 2020-8-25 08:00

Wait For Denon PMA-A110 !

samsung 發表於 2020-8-25 08:20

tab 發表於 2020-8-25 10:08

本帖最後由 tab 於 2020-8-25 10:37 編輯

xerxeshowie 發表於 2020-8-25 08:00
Wait For Denon PMA-A110 ! ...


xerxeshowie 發表於 2020-8-25 10:27

本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2020-8-25 10:28 編輯

tab 發表於 2020-8-25 10:08
好靚仔, 但似係改左用料既2500

2500 is a really success , very high C/P value !

The New A110 are base on 2500,

It Looks MuchHi_End ( poor man's「大菠蘿」)

and Everythings have UpGrade to Very High Specs !

with all the improve hardware amp & dac ( 8 dac chips ) & housing !

Limited Edition Denon 110-Year Anniversary Series PMA-A110 Silver Graphite Integrated Amplifier with 160 Watts per Channel

Designed with 110 years of audio heritage to please the most discerning audiophile, the Denon PMA-A110 is the superior choice for listeners who want to build the 2-channel Hi-Fi system of their dreams. Powered by Denon’s patented Advanced Ultra High Current (UHC) single-push-pull circuit power amplifier, the PMA-A110 integrated amplifier delivers 160 Watts of power-per-channel. Easily connect both analogue and digital sources or your turntable to the built-in phono pre-amp. Listen to your favourite Hi-Res audio content through the Quad 384-kHz/32-bit DAC section with the highest resolution in audio quality. Paired perfectly with the DCD-A110, the PMA-A110 Integrated Amplifier was designed to upgrade your expectations with your music in mind.

High Power 160W Integrated Amplifier
Give your loudspeakers the power they deserve with the Denon PMA-A110 Integrated Amplifier. Engineered to exceed your expectations, the PMA-A110 offers 160 Watts of power-per-channel to always deliver precise and powerful sound. This integrated amplifier offers compatibility with the widest range of speaker types and impedances for exceptional operational stability.

Certificate of Authenticity and 5-Year Warranty
With your purchase of the limited-edition PMA-A110, you will receive a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Denon’s Head of Engineering. You will receive a special, 5-year out-of-box warranty.

7th Generation Advanced Ultra High Current MOS Single Push-Pull Circuit
The PMA-A110 features a new generation of Advanced UHC (Ultra High Current)-MOS Single Push-Pull circuit design, which combines with a differential 2-stage amplifier circuit to drive almost any speaker configuration with improved sound quality. To achieve impeccable balance between delicate details of music reproduction and vigor of low frequency sound, the PMA-A110 is capable of delivering a massive current output in a single push-pull configuration to drive even the most demanding speaker and ensure superior linearity in the output stage.

High Precision Electrical Controls
The PMA-A110 embraces electrical volume, balance and tone controls while preserving the analogue feeling of operation. Clever engineering offers the feel of an analogue volume knob while an MCU measures the position of the knob and converts that position to control the master volume digitally. This unique mechanism offers a smoother, more linear control of the master volume by adjusting the curve of the analogue volume control in the digital world. The same configuration is also used for Balance and Tone controls.

Denon engineers carefully constructed the amplifier circuit within the PMA-A110 to secure a frequency response of up to 100-kHz during applied use. The volume circuit suppresses noise in the amplifier, achieving high sonic resolution. The PMA-A110 handles a wide, dynamic range of Hi-Res audio sources with tone control and power throughout. In addition, the Quad D/A converter which uses the Burr Brown PCM1795, chip operates in a quadruple configuration for optimal high-grade sound. Each channel has two PCM1795 chips working in a different mode to achieve the highest accuracy and best signal to noise ratio.

To accurately synchronize its digital circuits, the PMA-A110 provides a USB-DAC input for Hi-Res audio functions that support Hi-Res up to 11.2-MHz DSD and 384-kHz/32-bit PCM input signals. Crafted with exceptional quality, the DAC suppresses jitter and ensures optimal precision in D/A conversion. In addition, the DSD transmission methods support Wasapi, ASIO native playback and DSD Audio over PCM Frames (DoP). The D/A converter used in the PMA-A110 is the same 384-kHz/32-bit and DSD capable premium DAC used in the DCD-A110 to deliver a clean, high-grade sound.

To accurately synchronize digital circuits and the four audio DACs, the PMA-A110’s Master Clock Design adopts a Dual Low Phase Noise Oscillator which positions the master clock immediately adjacent to the D/A converters (DAC) suppressing jitter and ensuring optimum precision in D/A conversion.
In addition, the quality of the clock, which becomes the reference for semiconductor operation, is extremely important for ensuring that the digital audio circuitry performs at its maximum potential. The PMA-A110 employs a clock oscillator to dramatically reduce phase noise that is can cause displacement of frequencies. The PMA-A110 is further equipped with two clock oscillators, one for each sampling frequency (44.1-kHz and 48-kHz), that can be switched between the frequencies to thoroughly suppress jitter.

Combining the best of both the analogue and digital world, the PMA-A110 is equipped with a high-speed digital isolator circuit between both sections to avoid any interference from the digital world in the analogue domain. The PMA-A110 also features three independent power supplies to ensure complete isolation for each section and avoid any interference. When the PMA-A110 is set to Pure Analog Mode it turns off all digital circuits for the perfectly clear sound reproduction of an analogue input signal. Pure Analog Mode also turns off the fluorescent display, allowing the PMA-A110 to operate as a purely analogue amp (during Pure Analog Mode, USB-B, coaxial digital, and optical digital inputs are disabled) and remove any electrical disturbances that may adversely affect your listening experience.

The PMA-A110 is equipped with two transformers that have been mounted facing opposite directions in a leakage cancelling (LC) mount system to cancel mutual influences of magnetic flux, a source of noise, leaking from the transformers. Denon’s new, custom-designed, powerful large-capacity electrolytic capacitors have been used for rectification, and low-loss, low-noise, high-speed Schottky Barrier Diodes were used in the rectifier circuitry. This ensures a sufficient supply of clean current. To achieve a simple and straight circuit configuration, the connection unit between the diode unit and the block capacitor was removed to drastically shorten the current supply line to the power amp. Extremely thick OFC wiring material was used for the power line to reduce impedance.

USB-B, Optical and Coaxial Digital Inputs
The PMA-A110 features a USB-B input to directly connect a computer and supports PCM signal 384-kHz/32-bit and 11.2-MHz DSD. Use the USB-B input to listen to Hi-Res audio recording from an audio source on your computer in native mode. You can also take advantage of three Optical inputs and one Coaxial input which support PCM 192-kHz/24-bit. These digital inputs improve sound quality of your TV audio, Blu-ray, media players, and more.

TV Auto Standby (digital input)
The Optical and Coaxial digital inputs have an auto sensing mechanism that automatically turns on the unit when an audio signal is detected from an external source like your television.

The PMA-A110 is equipped with Ultra AL32 Processing, the latest in analogue waveform reproduction technology from Denon. Ultra AL32 Processing utilizes data interpolation algorithms and supports Hi-Res 192-kHz/24-bit PCM signal input. These algorithms interpolate points that should exist before and after the points in large quantities of data to achieve a smooth waveform that is close to that of the original signal.
These algorithms upsample the bandwidth from the original content, smoothing out the waveform and improving sound reproduction. Ultra AL32 Processing doubles the processing bandwidth from the previous generation upsampling 384-kHz content to 1.536-MHz. By carefully restoring data that was lost during digital recording, the resulting playback sound is highly detailed, free of interference, accurately localized, richly expressive in the lower range, and beautifully faithful to its original sound.

The PMA-A110 includes a phono input that supports both MM and MC cartridges for complete enjoyment of your entire vinyl collection. The PMA-A110 phono equalizer is a CR type that is superior sonically to the NF type phono equalizer. It is exceptionally stable in the high frequency range and is able to reproduce superior sound especially when a high-quality cartridge like the DL-A110 is used.

The PMA-A110 provides “EXT.PRE” input terminals – fixed gain inputs – that can be used for connecting an external pre-amp and using the PMA-A110 as a power amp. This is convenient when connecting an A/V amp via its pre-outs so that the listening space with the same front speakers can be used as a home theater.

The PMA-A110’s speaker terminals are gold plated to prevent corrosion over time and maintain reliable, long-term connections. Thick spades and banana plugs are also supported.

Constructed with an aluminium top panel, the PMA-A110 chassis protects the signal circuits from external vibration and eliminates adverse effects of mutual interference among the circuits. It’s configured with six independent blocks that house phono equalizer and input circuitry, volume control circuitry, USB-DAC circuitry, amplification circuitry, power section and the control section. With the power section at the center, solid aluminium feet that support the weight of internal components and heat sinks on both sides, the construction is well-balanced and prevents unwanted vibration.

Output power 8 Ohm (20 Hz – 20 kHz, T.H.D. 0.07%)
80 W
Output power 4 Ohm (1 kHz, T.H.D. 0.7%)
160 W
Total Harmonic Distortion
0.01 %
Input Sensitivity: MM
2.5 mV / 47 kohm
Signal to Noise Ratio: MM/MC
89 dB / 74 dB
Signal to Noise Ratio: MM/MC
135 mV / 47 kohms
Signal to Noise Ratio: High level
Treble Control
± 8 dB at 10 kHz
Bass Control
± 8 dB at 100 Hz

tab 發表於 2020-8-25 10:39

一路都冇110消息, 6月頭買左2500{:1_247:}

man1117 發表於 2020-8-25 11:47

xerxeshowie 發表於 2020-8-25 08:00
Wait For Denon PMA-A110 ! ...


Kkbank 發表於 2020-8-25 11:56

2500NE 用家飄過~~~~
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