(碟評)JOHN WILLIAMS – LIVE IN VIENNA (bluray + CD)維也納愛樂樂團,dolby atmos
本帖最後由 allen89 於 2020-8-27 00:59 編輯John Williams和維也納愛樂樂團的現場bluray 連CD發行
香港代理引入,歐洲進口版bluray 有dolby atmos音軌
電影音樂大師John Williams的現場bluray 連CD 雙碟發行。 他與維也納愛樂樂團進行的音樂會錄音。 已於8月14日由德國DG唱片公司發行。
Imperial March 星球大戰 片段
侏羅紀公園 片段
該bluray 於今年2020年1月18日至19日在維也納愛樂樂團所在地音樂之友協會音樂廳(金色大廳)舉行的特別音樂會上錄制。 音樂會上收集了Williams的著名電影音樂。 小提琴Anne-Sophie Mutter合演。 特此附上Williams和Mutter的採訪視頻。
Williams還是著名的指揮,在美國坦格伍德音樂節上擔任波士頓流行樂團的音樂總監已有14個賽季。 但是,這是第一次指揮維也納愛樂樂團。 87歲的初次登臺吸引了眾多關註。
他是荷李活著名的電影巨人,也是星戰始祖佐治魯卡斯及史提芬史匹堡系列電影以及美國四次奧運會主題曲的作曲家。 除了五次獲得奧斯卡金像獎(四次獲得作曲獎,一度獲得編排獎),他還擁有五次艾美獎,五次金球獎和25次格萊美獎的輝煌歷史。
出身於世界音樂之都的維也納愛樂管弦樂團,從1842年創立至今,始終保持著最純正的維也納音樂風格。也正因這種無與倫比的吸引力,樂團成為了許多指揮家夢寐以求的合作夥伴。自1842年德國作曲家奥托尼古拉(Carl Otto Ehrenfried Nicolai)指揮樂團第一場音樂會以來,歷屆名指揮家們如理查·史特勞斯、卡拉揚及楊頌斯等等都當過樂團首席指揮。不過奇怪的是,樂團自1933年開始,就不再設有首席指揮一職,只有客席指揮。
奧地利Austria |維也納Vienna |愛樂協會大樓(Musikverein)金色廳(Grober Musikvereinssaal)
雖然已經被列為是世界首屈一指交響樂團之一的維也納愛樂,仍然努力的以傳遞音樂給世上每一個人為目標,儘力承擔任著音樂的使者。他們以貝多芬在作品「莊嚴彌撒」(Missa Solemnis)首言上所寫下的格言來提醒自己:「用心演出,讓音樂直達人們的心裡(From the heart, to the heart)。」除了在音樂史上的使命外,樂團可還是世界衛生組織的親善大使喔!維也納愛樂弦樂部的演奏渾厚、清楚表現出每個音符;而銅管部為人津津樂道的融合感,與其他交響樂團相較之下少了那種尖銳突兀,卻保持著該有的震撼力,這正也是維也那愛樂給人的獨特感。同時,樂團也參與了很多演出錄音活動。
John Williams and the Wiener Philharmoniker create movie magic in the world-famous Golden Hall of Vienna’s Musikverein. Williams described the chance to work with the orchestra as “one of the greatest honours of my life”. During the concert he was joined on the Musikverein stage by Anne-Sophie Mutter who performed a series of virtuosic adaptations he had written specially for her.
1. The Flight to Neverland – from “Hook”
2. Excerpts from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”
3. Hedwig’s Theme from “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”
4. Theme from “Sabrina”
5. Donnybrook Fair – from “Far and Away”
6. Devil’s Dance – from “The Witches of Eastwick”
7. Adventures on Earth – from “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”
8. Theme from “Jurassic Park”
9. Dartmoor, 1912 – from “War Horse”
10. Suite from “Jaws”
11. Marion’s Theme – from “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”
12. The Rebellion is Reborn – from “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”
13. Luke & Leia – from “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”
14. Main Title from “Star Wars: A New Hope”
15. Theme from “Cinderella Liberty”
16. The Duel – from “The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn”
17. Remembrances – from “Schindler’s List”
18. Raider’s March – from “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”
19. Imperial March – from “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back”
with Anne-Sophie Mutter (#3-6 & 15-18)
“John Williams in Vienna” documents “one of the greatest honours” of composer’s life. Deutsche Grammophon releases Hollywood legend’s historic Wiener Philharmoniker debut concert in audio and video formats. Williams shares Musikverein stage with Anne-Sophie Mutter and world-famous orchestra to perform iconic themes from “Star Wars”, “Harry Potter”, “Indiana Jones” and “Jurassic Park”, among other cinematic landmarks. “John Williams in Vienna” is now set for international release by the Yellow Label on 14 August 2020 and will be available on all relevant physical and digital mediums, including Bluray, CD, vinyl and eVideo, in both stereo and Dolby Atmos surround mixes.
John Williams has just added to an already incredibly long list of achievements by making his conducting debut with the Wiener Philharmoniker. Their two concerts at Vienna’s Musikverein on 18 and 19 January 2020 – which were also the first performances he had ever conducted in continental Europe – were produced by Deutsche Grammophon in partnership with the Wiener Philharmoniker and ServusTV and filmed by Bernhard Fleischer Moving Images (BFMI). John Williams in Vienna is now set for international release by the Yellow Label on 14 August 2020 and will be available on all relevant physical and digital mediums, including Bluray, CD, vinyl and eVideo, in both stereo and Dolby Atmos surround mixes. The film will be broadcast in Germany, Austria and Switzerland by ServusTV on Whit Monday 1 June 2020 at 10am and 10.15pm.
Before a single note had been played in the Musikverein, Maestro Williams received a standing ovation. The legendary American composer’s movie soundtracks are among the best-loved of all time and have earned countless prestigious awards, including five Oscars, five Emmys, four Golden Globes and twenty-five Grammys. As he thanked the audience for their welcome, however, he told them that the invitation to work with the Wiener Philharmoniker was “one of the greatest honours of my life”.
Williams and the orchestra were joined on stage for much of the first half by Anne-Sophie Mutter. For conductor and violinist this was a marvellous opportunity to continue an artistic partnership formed last year for Deutsche Grammophon’s album Across the Stars, featuring many new adaptations of the composer’s music for violin and orchestra.
“Anne-Sophie Mutter is many things,” Williams said, as he introduced her. “She is one of the world’s greatest violinists; she is a wonderful mother; she brings honour to her country. And in going to Australia, Asia, South America, North America, Europe, she’s indeed a very great world citizen.”
Mutter captivated the Musikverein audience with a series of the virtuosic adaptations written specially for her by Williams, including “Hedwig’s Theme” from the Harry Potter films, “Devil’s Dance” from The Witches of Eastwick and the Theme from Sabrina.
As she said after the first concert, Mutter also took great pleasure in watching the Wiener Philharmoniker bring its inimitable rich sound to some of Williams’ most iconic film themes. “Seeing these seasoned professionals and young members of the orchestra alike joining in such joy in music they have not played often. It’s just wonderful!” Daniel Froschauer, Chairman of the Wiener Philharmoniker, was keen to express the orchestra’s great enthusiasm about the unique opportunity of performing these wonderful compositions under the baton of their creator: “It was a deeply fulfilling artistic exchange.”
John Williams, who celebrated his 88th birthday just a few weeks after the Musikverein concerts, admitted he’d been unsure how the Wiener Philharmoniker would adapt to playing his music. “I couldn’t have been more happily surprised,” he said after their concerts. “I have to compliment the orchestra on their great virtuosity and fantastic ability to perform all styles of music.”
Another happy surprise had come during rehearsals, when the Philharmoniker’s brass players asked him if they could add the “Imperial March” from Star Wars to the programme. Their sensational performance underlined the rapport and affection between orchestra and composer. “It was honestly one of the best presentations of that March I’ve ever heard”, Williams reflected afterwards. “They played it as though they owned it and I felt very grateful to them for giving me a chance to play it at the end of our programme.” 本帖最後由 allen89 於 2020-8-15 15:00 編輯
bluray音軌是dolby atmos, 仲有dts,但試完也是覺得用返atmos較自然及傳真度較佳,音場,樂器細緻度,空間感較佳。DG是古典唱片介巨人,所以由錄音,制作,音準,動態,高中低平衡度混音完全是業界頂級制作。播古典樂團演奏一向幾考機和設置,播得好聲講求系統要有出色要平衡度,三頻連貫, 音樂細節微動態還原及一靜一動間大動態,如果發覺系統播出來連貫性及音樂感不足和樂器分離度各種奏樂位置不明顯,動態及音場很窄,群奏時張力弦樂器泛音不足,應該首先檢查系統個平衡度微調再試試。
多首耳熟能詳的電影主題,由世界上其中一隊頂尖愛樂團奏出,其中樂手使用的樂器更是件件價值不菲,樂手技巧發揮音色之美,真係有點夢幻成真的感覺,因為佢哋樂團雖然近年已有不小商業演出,但古典音樂仍然是樂團演奏的主力,能有機會聽維也納愛樂樂團佢哋同一場合內奏出有侏羅紀公園,奪寶奇兵,多首星戰主題曲及優美插曲真係聽出耳油及『感動』,如星戰主題曲奏完,金廳全場觀眾也站起來拍掌氣氛熱烈,如喜愛Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague 師兄,依隻都唔洗考慮要入硬。依隻bluray 以87 歲老john高齡 (1932年出生)同維也納樂團合作加女小提琴名家mutter的三角組合在維也納金廳演出,自己估算可能已經是唯一並後會無期。所以自已認為此john williams演奏會收藏價值含金量更高。 allen89 發表於 2020-8-15 02:05
畫面保持一實維也納金廳新年演奏會質量,顏色及會場立體感,解析度等也不俗,john及樂團成員的膚色及衣著細 ...
老而彌堅🤣 這專輯仲有限定黑膠同步賣
很少有atmos嘅碟,會寫明9.1.4 在盒上😊👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 但係為何不是1080P? 本帖最後由 allen89 於 2020-8-17 16:38 編輯
heven 發表於 2020-8-16 01:27
如想要有4k或1080p金廳影視產品推出,相信要侍場館內攝影機系統包括錄像裝置及拍攝控制台和攝影機器材升級後先得,歐洲的數碼技術,一向冇日美咁追貼,但無論甚樣也是將來的事,此john williams同愛樂團合作是屬於1080i拍攝制作及目前唯一,畫質同新年演奏會相約屬可接受水平放心。 allen89 發表於 2020-8-15 12:40
https://stage2.deutschegrammophon.com/en/catalogue/products/john-williams-i ...
限量版已買光, 冇得訂 allen89 發表於 2020-8-16 03:15
師兄,其他我上面有提畫質和新年演奏會相約,1080i制作明顯是維也納金廳所提供固定拍攝器材所限,翻查20 ...
師兄,多謝賜教,明白了! 必入…… 德發地庫唔知有冇藍光碟呢 ?或者邊度有得買呢?