馬糞之 CHEERS 震動飛碟安裝記錄
Self Explanation好手工喎!{:6_193:}
師兄!邊樹買?幾銀啊?{:6_212:} I bought it online from USA.The whole package with Power Amp is around HK$#000+. 過隱喎~~但會唔會震埋樓下架~~!??? 回復 5# agnes_b
If you buy "Platinum" version....that might be possible.... Is it like The Grand Cinema???{:6_186:} 回復 7# fshair
Yes....I might upgrade to higher transducer. Wa... big project wor... {:6_193:} 過隱喎{:6_157:} 點玩架???