映画『おらおらでひとりいぐも』田中裕子, 蒼井優
導演 : 沖田修一主演 : 田中裕子, 蒼井優, 東出昌大, 濱田岳, 青木崇高, 宮藤官九郎
日本上映日期: 2020年11月06日
In 1964, 桃子(田中裕子)who left her hometown and was moved to Tokyo so as to be pushed out by fanfare that echoed throughout Japan. 55 years since then. She thought that it would be a peaceful day for her husband and two to marry and raise children... Suddenly, her husband decided to lead a lonely day. Every day she borrow a book from the library, go to the hospital and make a 4.6 billion year history note. But one day, Momoko-san's "voice of heart = loneliness" came up from inside to outside with music! A small and magnificent one-year story about Momoko who found a new world beyond loneliness.
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