Mcymo2018 發表於 2020-7-23 14:51

Echobox Nomad N1i Titanium in-Ear Monitor


~9.2mm dynamic drivers German-made PEEK (Polyether Ether Ketone) material

~tuned for accurate, detailed sound over a wide frequency range Acoustic Filter Tuning lets you customize the sound to meet your tastes

~ three interchangeable acoustic filters for fine-tuning the sound signature emphasize bass, treble, or balance

~detachable 47" silver-plated copper cable terminated with a 3.5mm miniplug

~MMCX connectors at headphones (compatible with Shure RMCE-BT1 Bluetooth® adapter cable)in-line three-button remote lets you control music and volume on Apple devices
built-in microphone lets you take calls with an iPhone

includes 9 pairs of ear tips:

1 pair medium-sized Comply® T-400 Isolation Series foam tips
4 sizes of silicone ear tips
2 sizes of triple-flange silicone tips
2 sizes of double-flange silicone tips

clam shell carrying case included
frequency response: 5-60,000 Hz
sensitivity: 96 dB
impedance: 22 ohms
weight: 0.5 oz.

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