HenryLeung@FB 發表於 2020-7-3 22:19

Sound bar接駁一問

小弟想入手JBL 9.1,但家中部LG TV是幾年前的舊型號(UH7700),只有ARC,應該不支援Netflix 的Atmos 。另外,有部馬蘭士SR6010,是支援atmos
請問我是否可以由電視ARC入擴音機,再經擴音機出去sound bar 就可用到atmos?

BenLee1@FB 發表於 2020-7-3 23:30

Netflix 嘅atmos ARC 已經出到。 但如果用電視出netflix,就要電視支援atmos 先出到。

HenryLeung@FB 發表於 2020-7-3 23:58

BenLee1@FB 發表於 2020-7-3 23:30
Netflix 嘅atmos ARC 已經出到。 但如果用電視出netflix,就要電視支援atmos 先出到。...

姐電視唔支援atmos ,一係換電視,一係經Apple tv 4k先得?

BenLee1@FB 發表於 2020-7-4 00:01

HenryLeung@FB 發表於 2020-7-3 23:58
姐電視唔支援atmos ,一係換電視,一係經Apple tv 4k先得?

無錯, 應該apple tv 直落soundbar 再出返俾電視就得。

Spiderwoman 發表於 2020-7-8 05:49

本帖最後由 Spiderwoman 於 2020-7-8 05:56 編輯

My situation is not better than yours Henry, my setup is to connect to an older version of Sony projector which has no ARC or eARC. However, I am using a Pioneer receiver with Dolby Atmos and DTS:X codec on board but in this case my receiver is just used as a AV switcher with the on board DSP in bypass mode. The following is the connection in this setup:
Apple TV 4K/PS4/WII/Bluray player to HDMI input on the Pioneer receiver
then from HDMI output to JBL Bar9.1 HDMI IN
then from JBL Bar9.1 HDMI out to the projector HDMI in (your case TV HDMI in)
Make sure you set the JBL in HDMI in mode not TV mode.   
High quality soundbar and it is definitely not an entry level soundbar. I am still trying to figure out how to display video via airplay on my projector, audio is working fine but not audio. If you know please give me your two cents. In near future I will get a 5 to 1 HDMI AV switcher to replace the receiver so than I can use the receiver somewhere else in my house.

SonSon 發表於 2020-7-8 10:04

暫時唔會換電視的話, 只有Apple TV / PS4,5 / 4K BD Player之類先幫到你
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