[團購] 真空管形 Headphone AMP 及 USB 音效解碼卡 (dts認證)
本帖最後由 阿定 於 2010-3-1 17:51 編輯手提式 Headphone Amplifer,好處係USB叉電,細粒,有型
參考網址: http://www.edio21.com/prod_as301hpa.asp
Features & Specifications
Play time:10Hrs (output volume 10%)
Charge time:1.5~2Hrs
Tiny bomb appearance.
Improve Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and Noise performance.
No Degradation of Low frequency response.
Two LEDs for charging and playback indicator.
Increase 120% of original audio output level.
Support 16 ohms – 150 ohms earphone.
Built-in rechargeable Li-Battery for at least 6 hours usage.
Auto power on by inserting earphone jack.
Small size with dimensions 45L x 23D mm (1.8” Lx 0.9"D).
Mini USB connector for charging.
Stereo Line-In.
Stereo Headphone-Out.
Output:50 mW (32 ohms Load).
SNR:100 dB (A Weight) ; Distortion:< 0.01% (35 mW ).
Frequency Response:10Hz - 100 kHz.
On/Off switch: by inserting the plug into the Stereo output jack.
Battery: built-in rechargeable battery, for 6 hours playback at 50% volume output.
Charging: by mini USB.
HP impendence:16 ohms - 150 ohms.
Weight:13 g (0.45 oz, include battery).
1. AS301HPA (Headphone Portable Amplifer)
團購價 HKD$260 / 原價 HKD$328
dts 認證的 USB Sound Card,特別適合睇戲用
參考網址: http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=30665
2a. AS301DTS
團購價 HKD$350 / 原價 HKD$468
2b. AS301DTS-P (連原裝頭戴式耳機)
團購價 HKD$450 / 原價 HKD$628
無DTS認證的 USB Sound Card,Mac友可用,而且價錢相宜,Plus版更有LED燈的閃爍設定
參考網址: http://chinese.engadget.com/2009/09/20/usb-via-vt1610-aim/
3a. AS301 plus
團購價 HKD$260 / 原價 HKD$328
3b. AS301
團購價 HKD$180 / 原價 HKD$228
注: 本人為認證搞手,多次團購均圓滿完團! 本帖最後由 阿定 於 2010-3-1 17:51 編輯
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1. AS301HPA (Heasphone Portable Amplifer) x 1
2b. AS301DTS-P (連原裝頭戴式DTS耳機)x 1