pong111lk 發表於 2020-6-29 19:00

唔知有無其它方法,可以由電話apps將資料抄出,再過返落部 amp度?

睡佛爺爺 發表於 2020-6-29 19:53

MicLui 發表於 2020-6-28 14:35
吓!我用x6500h, 昨晚自動updated firmware, 但我無check上唔上到網喎

我用緊x6500H 部機啱啱整完返 呢半個月 .剛剛開機要我update firmware version, 我跟手去update 先留意到師兄嘅上文 update完有問題 嚇咗一跳 即刻 check version 同師兄唔一樣,dts version 一樣 再試下wi-fi連接network暫時冇問題

issachar 發表於 2020-6-29 22:43

8500 尋晚 update 完... touchwood 冇事

lkca 發表於 2020-6-30 20:38

If a “Fail message” is displayed, restart your receiver by pressing and holding the Power/Standby button on the main unit for approx. 5 seconds. If this does not work, unplug the power cord, wait 5 seconds, then reconnect the cord.

When you switch on the receiver, Update Retry will appear on the screen after a short time. If you have experienced failure by wireless we would recommend connecting a LAN cable so that when the AVR goes into recovery mode it will attempt to download where it was last left of at. If the A/V receiver does not fully download the update this time, please reset the device to factory settings as follows (WARNING: ALLSETTINGS ARE LOST):

1. AVR X1100W/AVR X1200W / X2100W /AVR X2200W/ X3100W /AVR X3200W: Hold down the " ZONE 2 SOURCE " and " DIMMER " buttons simultaneously whilst powering the unit on

AVR X4100W /AVR X4200W/ AVR X5200W /AVR X6200W/ AVR X7200W : Hold down the " CURSOR UP " and " DOWN " buttons simultaneously whilst powering the unit on

2. FL display will flash in 1 second intervals

3. After a while, the unit will go back automatically in normal operation mode. Execute the update or upgrade once more.

If a firmware update can still not be carried out via the network, please contact your retailer for the purpose of conducting checks.

lkca 發表於 2020-6-30 20:40

How do I reboot the network module on my AVR? (AVR-X1100 or higher)

1. Switch the device to the source ONLINE MUSIC.

2. AVR X1100W / X2100W / X3100W: Hold down the "ZONE2 SOURCE" and "DIMMER" buttons simultaneously for at least 3 seconds.

AVR X1200W / X1300W / X2200W / X2300W / X3200W / X3300W: Hold down the "TUNER PRESET CH -" and "TUNER PRESET CH +" buttons simultaneously for at least 3 seconds.

AVR X4100W / X5200W / X7200W: Hold down the "DIMMER" and " CURSOR > " buttons ( under the front flap ) buttons simultaneously for at least 3 seconds.

AVR X4200W / X6200W / X7200WA: Hold down the "DIMMER" and "SETUP" buttons ( under the front flap ) buttons simultaneously for at least 3 seconds.

For all HEOS powered AV Receivers, please see the user manual for more information on how to reset your network module.

3. "Initialize" will appear in the FL display.

lnchu 發表於 2020-6-30 21:03

本帖最後由 lnchu 於 2020-6-30 21:14 編輯

lkca 發表於 2020-6-30 20:40
How do I reboot the network module on my AVR? (AVR-X1100 or higher)

1. Switch the device to the sou ...

部 x6400H 用Dimmer + > 做了無数次, 完全無反應. 因在Heos Music 檔,机就出 Please wait... Assigning Network. 电視就Please wait ...圈圈..不停.

pong111lk 發表於 2020-6-30 23:14

連唔到 wi fi

silverthunder77 發表於 2020-7-1 00:25

Hi everyone, I've registered just to inform you that reverting to MAY 2019 firmware works flawlessly and my unit X6400His back in network, everything works just fine, but the firmware is 1 year old and that's a pain because previously it worked absolutely fine.

I've used the link you can find before in this thread, downloaded the firmware, extracted to an empty USB 2.0 FAT32 drive, put the AVR in HEOS input and plugged the usb in, the amp restarted automatically and updates in about 20 mins without a flaw.

Shame on Denon for this issue, I've contacted italian support and they don't even know the problem jet...I wrote an email to them explaining the issue and asking if they can provide me a link to download the previous firmware that worked fine, to update my amp via usb and not by network, as it's already asking me to update since it finds the latest and broken file online to download, but obviously I refuse to update since Denon doesn't tell me that they fixed the issue and released a newer firmware.

Thanks for the info in this thread, it helped me to resurrect my amp and I'm very happy after this terrible experience.

By the way, I want to tell to everyone that writes to reset here, reset there, network reset, factory reset, NOTHING WORKS fellas, this firmware is simpy broken and badly written and not tested, that's the point, there's no workaround at all but reflash with an older and good firmware in order to make network interfaces work again! Even if you try to save your preferences it says the file is broken INSIDE the amp, so just stop fooling people around.

Best regards to all

lnchu 發表於 2020-7-1 09:34

本帖最後由 lnchu 於 2020-7-1 10:33 編輯

silverthunder77 發表於 2020-7-1 00:25
Hi everyone, I've registered just to inform you that reverting to MAY 2019 firmware works flawlessly ...

Lucky you! I have reflash the 2019 firmware twice and still cannot cure the network problem.
....Half an hour later....
Your message urged me to try flashing the third time and this time it works. I guess its also related to my re-initializing my machine the day before. I let the auto update go again and after finished flashing the network failed again. So a 100% sure is the latest firmware causing the problem on my machine ( Sure not everyone flashing the latest firmware may have the same problem). At least now I have a chance to bring my machine back to normal again...again....again...

lnchu 發表於 2020-7-1 13:05

就如 #18 成功用 May 2019 firmware flash 番正部机,我再flash 第四次也成功用得番Network.也立即改update = No.
原本Firmware Version 6461-8263-0132-2165DTS Version
現在美國firmware Version 6461-5040-0141-5105   DTS Version分别唔覺.
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查看完整版本: Denon AVR-X6400H Network Failed

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