shektau6 發表於 2020-6-22 21:46

Sony A9G calibration result

本帖最後由 shektau6 於 2020-6-22 21:49 編輯

Just want to share my calibration result using HCFR and my old 2012 i1display 3 colorimeter unit.Have to spend alot of time to get the gamma curve right if I have to take gamma correction into account. The final outcome is not perfectly linear but the result is very pleasing to my naked eyes.Save myself $140 USD for the Calman for Sony software though!

I started reading the Calman workflow to get an idea of the workflow. Only change is that I set the peak luminance to low instead of medium.

I used Ted's calibration disk ( as I don't have a blu-ray player and I also use his devicecontrol software to unlock 20 points grayscale control (more on this later).

final result:

average grayscale dE is. 0.91, max is 1.9
average CMS dE is 0.73, max is 1.25

I didn't save the before measurement though...

I hardly need to use the 20 points control as I can get 80% of the result using 2 points adjustment. Most of the time I spent is to get the low and high end gamma correct using the black and contrast control. I could have use more time to flatten the grayscale curve but it's hard to find time to do it :-)

dominickwok 發表於 2020-6-22 23:46

C Hing, if you are viewing in a dark environment, you can try another calibration with gamma 2.4 - as this is the gamma usually used for mastering the current movies.You will notice that the image will have much more depth and "pop" with gamma 2.4.

shektau6 發表於 2020-6-23 08:18

dominickwok 發表於 2020-6-22 23:46
C Hing, if you are viewing in a dark environment, you can try another calibration with gamma 2.4 - a ...

Thx Dom, it's easy to do with the Sony as you can adjust the gamma independently.In theory Sony will scale it based on my setting done using 2.2. I didnt test and measure to verify the result though.
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